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Event Schedule

Program Guide

We invite you to look at Horizons program guide which includes detailed descriptions of the plenaries, panels, workshops, roundtables, community tables, and artistic displays. Feel welcome to download it to your device ahead of the conference and use it as a guide during your time with us. The program will also be available on our conference app, Whova.

Event Schedule

Starting from May 26, meet us at the conference and community gathering space to explore the history and future of community-engaged research (CER).  Please look forward to a packed schedule of amazing plenaries, panels, workshops, and roundtables.  We will be providing complimentary lunches and drinks. 

Download the schedule to discover the full experience. 

Whova Tutorial

As part of Horizons, we will be primarily using a conference app, called Whova, to facilitate participation both in-person and virtually.

We encourage you to watch this tutorial to learn how to navigate Whova.