Questions Tab

Creating a New Survey

The bulk of the survey setup is done on the Questions Tab. This is where you create and order the questions you will be asking in your survey. There are valuable tips to help you create an effective survey on each page.

When creating a new Survey the first question is automatically generated using the text from the Description box on the General Tab. This text is used to create a Title Page type question at the begining of your survey.

Title Page is a unique question type as is doesn't actually ask anything. It is simply a way for a survey administrator to communicate information to the user as he or she navigates through the Survey. You may choose to delete this question by clicking on the trash can icon to the right of the words "Title Page". You should probably keep this question and use it to provide a quick explanation of the survey.

To edit this question simply click the pencil image to the right of the Type column beside the question you wish to edit. This will take you to the Title Page edit screen where you can give this it a more appropriate heading and change the content if you wish.

To delete this question simply click the trash image to the right of the Type column beside the question you wish to delete. This will remove the question from the list.

Adding Questions

To add more questions to your survey simply select the question type you wish to add from the Add New Question pull down list and click Add. The following Question types are available:

  • Title Page - Information only, provide a heading and a paragraph of text to communicate information to the respondent.
  • Comment Box - Use to gather roughly a paragraph of information from the respondent.
  • Yes or No - Use to ask simple yes or no questions.
  • Date Entry - Use when you need a respondent to enter a date. You will need to give it a range of years that are valid.
  • Checkboxes - Use to ask multiple choice questions where MORE than one answer is valid. (ex: Select all that apply)
  • Radio Buttons - Use to ask multiple choice questions where ONE and only ONE answer is valid.
  • Single Line Text - Use to ask one or more questions that require only a single line to answer.
  • Address - Use to ask for personal contact information. Select which fields are requested and which are required.
  • Pull Down Choice - Use to ask a multiple choice question where ONE and only ONE answer is valid. Same result as Radio Buttons but in a different form.
  • Rating Matrix - The most complex type of question. Used to ask repsondents to rate a series of items on a custom scale.
  • SFU User Info - This field allows you to capture the user's SFU ID if they are forced to log in to the system.
  • Consent - This question allows you to ask the user for his or her consent before continuing with the survey.

Making changes to published surveys

It is not advisable to make changes to published surveys. Once a survey has one or more submissions, a stern warning will appear on the Questions Tab that any changes to the survey could adversely affect the online summary and export functions. The export can only export questions that exist on the survey at the time the Export is run. So any questions that are answered by earlier respondents but then removed from the survey will not appear in the exported file.


To reuse a survey's layout and design, turn it into a template.

See Creating and Using Templates