Rating Matrix

A Rating Matrix allows you to have a series of items down the side and a rating scale across the top of a grid of radio buttons. One rating is allowed per item. This type of question is often used to get a respondents opinion of a series of characteristics or impressions.

There is one field you need to fill out to create a Rating Matrix question:

  • Question Text - Will appear as the title of the question. (eg. "Please rate the following on a scale from one to five.")

You will also need to add items to be rated. To add a new choice:

  • Enter the label for the item into the text field beside the Add button. (eg. "Quality")
  • Click the Add button.

The new item will appear on the screen. To edit existing items:

  • Simply change the label in the Item field and when you submit the finished question it will be updated.
  • Click the trash icon to delete the item.

The Rating Scale will default to "One to Five". Meaning that respondents will have the choices 1,2,3,4 and 5 to rate each item.

There are 12 pre-defined Rating Scales to choose from in the Select a Rating Scale pull down menu. Select a different Scale and Click Set to see the various options.

If you require a Custom Rating Scale that doesn't appear in the pull down you can create one using the Customize button:

  1. Click Customize.
  2. On the Custom Scale Page click New....
  3. Give the scale a name in the Scale Name field.
  4. Add choices by entering the choice name in the Add Choice field and clicking Add.
  5. When all choices are added be sure to click Save.
  6. To Edit an existing Custom Scale click on the name of the scale.
  7. When finished creating or editing your custom scale click Finished Editing.

You will now see your custom scale in the Select a Rating Scale pull down menu.

Your custom rating scales will also be available anytime you create a new Rating Matrix question on any survey.

NOTE: If a survey has existing submissions, you will not be able to change the Ratings Matrix.  If you need to update the custom scale, you must clear all existing submissions first. (See Viewing and Exporting Survey Results)