
Checkboxes are used for multiple choice questions where the respondent may choose one or more options.

There are three fields you need to fill out to create a Checkbox question:

  • Question Text - Will appear as the title of the question. (eg. "Which of the following best describe your experience?")
  • Minimum number of allowed selections - This is the least number of checkboxes you will accept. For example, if you are holding an election and voters are required to choose at least three people from the list, set this number to "3". To make the question simply mandatory, just set the minimum to "1".
  • Maximum number of allowed selections - This is the maximum number of checkboxes you will accept. For example, if you are holding an election and voters are allowed to choose up to five people from the list, set this number to "5".

You will also need to add choices to the checkboxes question. The choices are the items which will appear with check boxes beside them. To add a new choice:

  • Enter the label for the choice into the Add Choice field. (eg. Educational)
  • Click the Add button.

The new choice will appear on the screen. To edit existing choices:

  • Simply change the label in the Choice field and when you submit the finished question it will be updated.
  • Click the trash icon to delete the choice.
  • Check the Default Value box to make the check box for this choice selected by default when the respondent first sees the question