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Master Index
SAS/STAT User's Guide

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G matrix
MIXED procedure "Example 41.5: Random Coefficients"
MIXED procedure "Mixed Models Theory"
MIXED procedure "Mixed Models Theory"
MIXED procedure "Notation for the Mixed Model"
MIXED procedure "RANDOM Statement"
G option
RANDOM statement (MIXED)
G-G epsilon
G2 inverse
NLIN procedure
G4 option
PROC NLIN statement
G4= option
PROC CALIS statement
PROC NLMIXED statement
GABRIEL option
MEANS statement (ANOVA)
MEANS statement (GLM)
Gabriel's multiple-comparison procedure
ANOVA procedure
GLM procedure "MEANS Statement"
GLM procedure "Multiple Comparisons"
gamma distribution
GENMOD procedure
GAMMA option
OUTPUT statement (FREQ)
TEST statement (FREQ)
GAMMA= option
PROC FACTOR statement
gamma statistic
Gaussian assumption
SIM2D procedure
Gaussian distribution
NLMIXED procedure
Gaussian random field
SIM2D procedure
Gaussian semivariogram model
KRIGE2D procedure "Theoretical Semivariogram Models"
KRIGE2D procedure "Theoretical Semivariogram Models"
GC option
RANDOM statement (MIXED)
GCI option
RANDOM statement (MIXED)
GCONV= option
MODEL statement (LOGISTIC)
NLOPTIONS statement (CALIS) "NLOPTIONS Statement"
NLOPTIONS statement (CALIS) "NLOPTIONS Statement"
NLOPTIONS statement (CALIS) "NLOPTIONS Statement"
PROC CALIS statement
PROC NLMIXED statement
GCONV2= option
PROC MDS statement
GCORR option
RANDOM statement (MIXED)
GCV function, TPSPLINE procedure
nonhomogeneous variance
GDATA= option
RANDOM statement (MIXED)
GENDER statement, INBREED procedure
general association statistic
general distribution
NLMIXED procedure
general linear structure
MIXED procedure
generalized cross validation function (GCV)
generalized cyclic incomplete block design
generating with PLAN procedure
Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE)
generalized inverse
MIXED procedure
NLIN procedure
NLMIXED procedure
generalized linear model
GENMOD procedure "Examples of Generalized Linear Models"
GENMOD procedure "What is a Generalized Linear Model?"
theory (GENMOD)
generalized logits
examples (CATMOD)
formulas (CATMOD)
specifying in CATMOD procedure
using (CATMOD)
generation (INBREED)
nonoverlapping "Overview"
nonoverlapping "Performing the Analysis"
nonoverlapping "Performing the Analysis"
overlapping "Overview"
overlapping "Performing the Analysis"
GENMOD procedure
adjusted residuals
bar (|) operator
binomial distribution
built-in link function
built-in probability distribution
classification variables
confidence intervals
confidence limits
continuous variables
convergence criterion "MODEL Statement"
convergence criterion "REPEATED Statement"
correlated data "Generalized Estimating Equations"
correlated data "Overview"
correlation matrix "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
correlation matrix "MODEL Statement"
correlations, least-squares means
covariance matrix "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
covariance matrix "MODEL Statement"
covariances, least-squares means
crossed effects
design matrix
deviance definition
deviance residuals
dispersion parameter
dispersion parameter estimation "The GENMOD Procedure"
dispersion parameter estimation "Type 1 Analysis"
dispersion parameter estimation "Type 3 Analysis"
dispersion parameter weights
effect specification
estimability checking
events/trials format for response "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
events/trials format for response "MODEL Statement"
events/trials format for response "MODEL Statement"
expected information matrix
exponential distribution
F statistics "F Statistics"
F statistics "F Statistics"
Fisher's scoring method "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
Fisher's scoring method "MODEL Statement"
gamma distribution
GEE "Example 29.5: GEE for Binary Data with Logit Link Function"
GEE "Example 29.6: Log Odds Ratios and the ALR Algorithm"
GEE "Example 29.7: Log-Linear Model for Count Data"
GEE "Generalized Estimating Equations"
GEE "Generalized Estimating Equations"
GEE "Overview"
GEE "REPEATED Statement"
Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE)
generalized linear model "Examples of Generalized Linear Models"
generalized linear model "What is a Generalized Linear Model?"
goodness of fit
Hessian matrix
information matrix
initial values "MODEL Statement"
initial values "REPEATED Statement"
initial values "REPEATED Statement"
intercept "MODEL Statement"
intercept "Poisson Regression"
intercept "The GENMOD Procedure"
inverse Gaussian distribution
L matrices
Lagrange multiplier statistics
life data
likelihood residuals
linear model
linear predictor "Displayed Output"
linear predictor "Overview"
linear predictor "Parameterization Used in PROC GENMOD"
linear predictor "Poisson Regression"
linear predictor "What is a Generalized Linear Model?"
link function "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
link function "Overview"
link function "What is a Generalized Linear Model?"
log-likelihood functions
log-linear models
logistic regression
main effects
maximum likelihood estimation
_MEAN_ automatic variable
multinomial distribution
multinomial models
negative binomial distribution
nested effects
Newton-Raphson algorithm
normal distribution
observed information matrix
offset "Displayed Output"
offset "MODEL Statement"
offset variable
ordinal data
output table names
Pearson residuals
Pearson's chi-square "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
Pearson's chi-square "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
Pearson's chi-square "MODEL Statement"
Poisson distribution
Poisson regression
polynomial effects
profile likelihood confidence intervals "Confidence Intervals for Parameters"
profile likelihood confidence intervals "MODEL Statement"
profile likelihood confidence intervals "MODEL Statement"
programming statements "Programming Statements"
programming statements "Programming Statements"
raw residuals
regression parameters estimation
regressor effects
repeated measures "Generalized Estimating Equations"
repeated measures "Overview"
residuals "MODEL Statement"
residuals "Residuals"
residuals "Residuals"
residuals "Residuals"
residuals "Residuals"
residuals "Residuals"
residuals "Residuals"
_RESP_ automatic variable
scale parameter
scaled deviance "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
scaled deviance "Generalized Linear Models Theory"
score statistics
singular contrast matrix
specifying classification variables
suppressing output
Type 1 analysis "The GENMOD Procedure"
Type 1 analysis "Type 1 Analysis"
Type 3 analysis "The GENMOD Procedure"
Type 3 analysis "Type 3 Analysis"
user-defined link function
variance function
Wald confidence intervals "Confidence Intervals for Parameters"
Wald confidence intervals "MODEL Statement"
working correlation matrix "Generalized Estimating Equations"
working correlation matrix "REPEATED Statement"
working correlation matrix "REPEATED Statement"
working correlation matrix "REPEATED Statement"
_XBETA_ automatic variable
GENMOD procedure, BY statement
GENMOD procedure, CLASS statement
GENMOD procedure, CONTRAST statement
E option
SINGULAR= option
WALD option
GENMOD procedure, DEVIANCE statement
GENMOD procedure, ESTIMATE statement
ALPHA= option
E option
EXP option
GENMOD procedure, FREQ statement
GENMOD procedure, FWDLINK statement
GENMOD procedure, INVLINK statement
GENMOD procedure, LSMEANS statement
ALPHA= option
CL option
CORR option
COV option
DIFF option
E option
GENMOD procedure, MAKE statement
GENMOD procedure, MODEL statement
ALPHA= option
CICONV= option
CL option
CONVERGE= option
CONVH= option
CORRB option
COVB option
DIST= option
ERR= option
INITIAL= option
ITPRINT option
LINK= option
LRCI option
MAXIT= option
NOINT option
NOSCALE option
OBSTATS option
OFFSET= option
PRED option
SCALE= option
SCORING= option
SINGULAR= option
TYPE1 option
TYPE3 option
WALD option
WALDCI option
XVARS option
GENMOD procedure, OUTPUT statement
keyword= option
OUT= option
GENMOD procedure, PROC GENMOD statement
DATA= option
NAMELEN= option
ORDER= option
RORDER= option
GENMOD procedure, REPEATED statement
CONVERGE= option
CORR= option
CORRB option
CORRW option
COVB option
ECORRB option
ECOVB option
INITIAL= option
LOGOR= option
MAXITER= option
MCORRB option
MCOVB option
MODELSE option
RUPDATE= option
SORTED option
SUBJECT= option
TYPE= option
V6CORR option
WITHIN= option
YPAIR= option
ZDATA= option
ZROW= option
GENMOD procedure, SCWGT statement
GENMOD procedure, VARIANCE statement
GENMOD procedure, WEIGHT statement
Gentleman-Givens computational method
geometric anisotropy
KRIGE2D procedure "Anisotropic Models"
KRIGE2D procedure "Anisotropic Models"
KRIGE2D procedure "Anisotropic Models"
KRIGE2D procedure "Anisotropic Models"
KRIGE2D procedure "Anisotropic Models"
KRIGE2D procedure "Anisotropic Models"
KRIGE2D procedure "Anisotropic Models"
GI option
RANDOM statement (MIXED)
GLM procedure
absorption of effects "ABSORB Statement"
absorption of effects "Absorption"
aliasing structure "Example 30.11: Analysis of a Screening Design"
aliasing structure "MODEL Statement"
alpha level "LSMEANS Statement"
alpha level "MEANS Statement"
alpha level "MODEL Statement"
alpha level "OUTPUT Statement"
at sign (@) operator
bar (|) operator
Bartlett's test "Homogeneity of Variance in One-Way Models"
Bartlett's test "MEANS Statement"
Bonferroni adjustment
Brown and Forsythe's test "Homogeneity of Variance in One-Way Models"
Brown and Forsythe's test "Homogeneity of Variance in One-Way Models"
Brown and Forsythe's test "MEANS Statement"
canonical analysis
characteristic roots and vectors
compared to other procedures "Comparison to Other SAS Software"
compared to other procedures "Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures"
compared to other procedures "Example 30.11: Analysis of a Screening Design"
compared to other procedures "Example 30.8: Mixed Model Analysis of Variance Using the RANDOM Statement"
compared to other procedures "Longley Data"
compared to other procedures "Overview"
compared to other procedures "PROC GLM Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures"
compared to other procedures "PROC MIXED Contrasted with Other SAS Procedures"
compared to other procedures "Random Effects Analysis"
compared to other procedures "RANDOM Statement"
comparing groups
computational method
computational resources
contrasts "CONTRAST Statement"
contrasts "REPEATED Statement"
covariate values for least-squares means
disk space
Dunnett's adjustment
effect specification
error effect
estimability "CONTRAST Statement"
estimability "ESTIMATE Statement"
estimability "ESTIMATE Statement"
estimability "Hypothesis Testing in PROC GLM"
estimability "LSMEANS Statement"
estimability "MODEL Statement"
estimability "Specification of ESTIMATE Expressions"
estimable functions
ESTIMATE specification
homogeneity of variance tests "Homogeneity of Variance in One-Way Models"
homogeneity of variance tests "MEANS Statement"
Hsu's adjustment
hypothesis tests "Hypothesis Testing in PROC GLM"
hypothesis tests "TEST Statement"
interactive use
interactivity and BY statement
interactivity and missing values "Missing Values"
interactivity and missing values "Using PROC GLM Interactively"
introductory example
least-squares means (LS-means)
Levene's test for homogeneity of variance "Homogeneity of Variance in One-Way Models"
Levene's test for homogeneity of variance "MEANS Statement"
means versus least-squares means
memory requirements, reduction of
missing values "Construction of Least-Squares Means"
missing values "MANOVA Statement"
missing values "Missing Values"
missing values "PROC GLM Statement"
model specification
multiple comparisons, least-squares means "LSMEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, least-squares means "LSMEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, least-squares means "Multiple Comparisons"
multiple comparisons, least-squares means "Multiple Comparisons"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "MEANS Statement"
multiple comparisons, means "Multiple Comparisons"
multiple comparisons, means "Multiple Comparisons"
multiple comparisons, procedures
multivariate analysis of variance "MANOVA Statement"
multivariate analysis of variance "Multivariate Analysis of Variance"
multivariate analysis of variance "PROC GLM Statement"
nonstandard weights for least-squares means
O'Brien's test
observed margins for least-squares means
ODS table names
output data sets "Output Data Sets"
output data sets "Output Data Sets"
output data sets "Output Data Sets"
output data sets "OUTPUT Statement"
positional requirements for statements
predicted population margins
Q effects
random effects "Random Effects Analysis"
random effects "Random Effects Analysis"
random effects "RANDOM Statement"
regression, quadratic
relation to GLMMOD procedure
repeated measures "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
repeated measures "REPEATED Statement"
Sidak's adjustment
simple effects
simulation-based adjustment
singularity checking "CONTRAST Statement"
singularity checking "ESTIMATE Statement"
singularity checking "LSMEANS Statement"
singularity checking "MODEL Statement"
sphericity tests "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
sphericity tests "REPEATED Statement"
SSCP matrix for multivariate tests
statistical assumptions
summary of features
tests, hypothesis
transformations for MANOVA
transformations for repeated measures
Tukey's adjustment
types of least-squares means comparisons
unbalanced analysis of variance "Example 30.3: Unbalanced ANOVA for Two-Way Design with Interaction"
unbalanced analysis of variance "Means Versus LS-Means"
unbalanced analysis of variance "PROC GLM for Unbalanced ANOVA"
unbalanced design "Example 30.3: Unbalanced ANOVA for Two-Way Design with Interaction"
unbalanced design "Example 30.8: Mixed Model Analysis of Variance Using the RANDOM Statement"
unbalanced design "Means Versus LS-Means"
unbalanced design "PROC GLM for Unbalanced ANOVA"
unbalanced design "Random Effects Analysis"
weighted analysis
weighted means
Welch's ANOVA
WHERE statement
GLM procedure, ABSORB statement
GLM procedure, BY statement
GLM procedure, CLASS statement
GLM procedure, CONTRAST statement
E option
E= option
ETYPE= option
INTERCEPT effect "CONTRAST Statement"
INTERCEPT effect "ESTIMATE Statement"
SINGULAR= option
GLM procedure, ESTIMATE statement
DIVISOR= option
E option
SINGULAR= option
GLM procedure, FREQ statement
GLM procedure, ID statement
GLM procedure, LSMEANS statement
ADJUST= option
ALPHA= option
AT option "Construction of Least-Squares Means"
AT option "LSMEANS Statement"
BYLEVEL option
BYLEVEL options
CL option
COV option
E option "LSMEANS Statement"
E option "LSMEANS Statement"
ETYPE option
NOPRINT option
OBSMARGINS option "Construction of Least-Squares Means"
OBSMARGINS option "LSMEANS Statement"
OM option "Construction of Least-Squares Means"
OM option "LSMEANS Statement"
OUT= option
PDIFF option
SLICE= option
STDERR option
TDIFF option
GLM procedure, MANOVA statement
_ALL_ effect (H= option)
E= option
ETYPE= option
H= option
HTYPE= option
INTERCEPT effect (H= option)
M= option
MNAMES= option
ORTH option
PREFIX= option
PRINTE option
PRINTH option
SUMMARY option
GLM procedure, MEANS statement
ALPHA= option
BON option
CLDIFF option
CLM option
DEPONLY option
DUNCAN option
DUNNETT option
E= option
ETYPE= option
GABRIEL option
GT2 option
HOVTEST option "Homogeneity of Variance in One-Way Models"
HOVTEST option "MEANS Statement"
HTYPE= option
KRATIO= option
LINES option
LSD option
NOSORT option
REGWQ option
SCHEFFE option
SIDAK option
SMM option
SNK option
T option
TUKEY option
WALLER option
WELCH option
GLM procedure, MODEL statement
ALIASING option "Example 30.11: Analysis of a Screening Design"
ALIASING option "MODEL Statement"
ALPHA= option
CLI option
CLM option
CLPARM option
E option
E1 option
E2 option
E3 option
E4 option
I option
INVERSE option
NOINT option
NOUNI option
P option
SINGULAR= option
SS1 option
SS2 option
SS3 option
SS4 option
XPX option
ZETA= option
GLM procedure, OUTPUT statement
ALPHA= option
COOKD keyword
COVRATIO keyword
DFFITS keyword
H keyword
keyword= option
LCL keyword
LCLM keyword
OUT= option
PRESS keyword
RESIDUAL keyword
RSTUDENT keyword
STDI keyword
STDP keyword
STDR keyword
STUDENT keyword
UCL keyword
UCLM keyword
GLM procedure, PROC GLM statement
ALPHA= option
DATA= option
MANOVA option
NAMELEN= option
NOPRINT option
ORDER= option "PROC GLM Statement"
ORDER= option "Specification of ESTIMATE Expressions"
OUTSTAT= option
GLM procedure, RANDOM statement
Q option "Random Effects Analysis"
Q option "RANDOM Statement"
TEST option
GLM procedure, REPEATED statement
CONTRAST option "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
CONTRAST option "REPEATED Statement"
E= option
factor specification
H= option
HELMERT option "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
HELMERT option "REPEATED Statement"
HTYPE= option
IDENTITY option "Example 30.9: Analyzing a Doubly-multivariate Repeated Measures Design"
IDENTITY option "REPEATED Statement"
MEAN option "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
MEAN option "REPEATED Statement"
MEAN option "REPEATED Statement"
NOM option
NOU option
POLYNOMIAL option "Example 30.7: Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
POLYNOMIAL option "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
POLYNOMIAL option "REPEATED Statement"
PRINTE option "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
PRINTE option "REPEATED Statement"
PRINTH option
PRINTM option
PRINTRV option
PROFILE option "Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance"
PROFILE option "REPEATED Statement"
SUMMARY option
GLM procedure, TEST statement
ETYPE= option
HTYPE= option
GLM procedure, WEIGHT statement
GLMMOD alternative
TRANSREG procedure "OUTPUT Statement"
TRANSREG procedure "Using the DESIGN Output Option"
GLMMOD procedure
design matrix "Displayed Output"
design matrix "OUTDESIGN= Data Set"
design matrix "OUTDESIGN= Data Set"
design matrix "Overview"
input data sets
introductory example
missing values "Missing Values"
missing values "OUTDESIGN= Data Set"
missing values "OUTPARM= Data Set"
ODS table names
output data sets "OUTDESIGN= Data Set"
output data sets "OUTPARM= Data Set"
output data sets "PROC GLMMOD Statement"
output data sets "PROC GLMMOD Statement"
relation to GLM procedure
screening experiments
GLMMOD procedure, BY statement
GLMMOD procedure, CLASS statement
GLMMOD procedure, FREQ statement
GLMMOD procedure, MODEL statement
NOINT option
GLMMOD procedure, PROC GLMMOD statement
DATA= option
NAMELEN= option
NOPRINT option
ORDER= option
OUTDESIGN= option "PROC GLMMOD Statement"
OUTPARM= option "OUTPARM= Data Set"
OUTPARM= option "PROC GLMMOD Statement"
PREFIX= option
GLMMOD procedure, WEIGHT statement
global influence
LD statistic (PHREG) "Influence of Observations on Overall Fit of the Model"
LD statistic (PHREG) "OUTPUT Statement"
LMAX statistic (PHREG) "Influence of Observations on Overall Fit of the Model"
LMAX statistic (PHREG) "OUTPUT Statement"
global kriging
KRIGE2D procedure
global null hypothesis
PHREG procedure "Displayed Output"
PHREG procedure "Getting Started"
PHREG procedure "Testing the Global Null Hypothesis"
score test (PHREG) "Example 49.1: Stepwise Regression"
score test (PHREG) "MODEL Statement"
GLS option
MODEL statement (CATMOD)
GMSEP option
MODEL statement (REG)
PLOT statement (REG)
Gompertz distribution
goodness of fit
GENMOD procedure
GOUT= option
PROC BOXPLOT statement
PROC REG statement
PROC TREE statement
Gower's method
CLUSTER procedure "Clustering Methods"
CLUSTER procedure "PROC CLUSTER Statement"
CALIS procedure "Output Data Sets"
CALIS procedure "Use of Optimization Techniques"
CALIS procedure "Use of Optimization Techniques"
GENMOD procedure
LOGISTIC procedure
MIXED procedure "Default Output"
MIXED procedure "PROC MIXED Statement"
MIXED procedure "PROC MIXED Statement"
Graeco-Latin square
generating with PLAN procedure
examples (REG)
high resolution plots (REG)
keywords (REG)
options (REG)
saving output (LIFETEST)
PROC CORRESP statement
Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon
GRID= option
PLOT statement (BOXPLOT)
PRIOR statement (MIXED)
grid search
example (MIXED)
GRID statement
KRIGE2D procedure
SIM2D procedure
GRIDDATA= option
GRID statement (KRIGE2D)
GRID statement (SIM2D)
GRIDL= option
PROC KDE statement
GRIDT= option
PRIOR statement (MIXED)
GRIDU= option
PROC KDE statement
GROUP option
CONTRAST statement (MIXED)
ESTIMATE statement (MIXED)
GROUP= option
RANDOM statement (MIXED)
REPEATED statement (MIXED)
MODEL statement (REG)
growth curve analysis
example (CATMOD)
example (MIXED)
GSK models
GT2 multiple-comparison method
GT2 option
MEANS statement (GLM)
GTOL= option
NLOPTIONS statement (CALIS) "NLOPTIONS Statement"
NLOPTIONS statement (CALIS) "NLOPTIONS Statement"
PROC CALIS statement
GTOL2= option

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Book Contents
Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index