Declare your Program

Declare your program

All students in FASS are admitted into the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and are undeclared until they contact a department to formally declare a program (major, minor), usually by the time they have completed 60 units. There are benefits to declaring your program early and the requirements for program declaration are unique to each department.

Why is it important to declare a major or minor as early as possible?

  • Being declared means that you are "protected": students who have their major or two minors approved are not subject to fulfilling any requirements introduced subsequent to their major or minor declaration.
  • Your access to upper division courses may be improved by being declared: some disciplines reserve seats for students who are approved into their major or minor during the first three weeks of enrolment. Psychology, for example, reserves 100% of their upper division seats for students in an approved Psychology major or minor.

Which courses and CGPA are required? Is there a timeline for major or minor declaration?

The minimum overall CGPA requirement to declare a program in FASS is 2.0. Some programs may have higher CGPA requirements.


Behavioural Neuroscience

  • completion of the required five lower division courses (Set 1)
  • a C- minimum grade is required in each of the five courses, except for PSYC 201W, where a minimum C grade is required
  • minimum CGPA of 3.0 based on Set 1 courses
  • SFU CGPA of at least 3.0
  • Apply with the approval form here by June 1st for Fall term, October 1st for Spring term, or February 1st for Summer term

Cognitive Science


  • Major: completion of the required 31 lower division units with minimum C- grades
  • Minor: completion of at least 30 total units, including the required 9 lower division CRIM units with minimum C- grades
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.25 (college transfer students who meet the CRIM declaration requirements upon admission to SFU may use their admission CGPA for declaration purposes)
  • contact the Criminology advisor


  • Major: 30 units completed, ECON 201 completed, SFU ECON GPA of 2.0 or above, plus one of the following:
    • Option 1: CGPA of 2.3 and C- or higher in ECON 201 
    • Option 2: CGPA of 2.0 and B- or higher in ECON 201 
    • Option 3: CGPA of 2.0, C- or higher in ECON 201, and C- or higher in 2 additional Lower Division ECON courses (excluding 113/115/103/105/220W) 
  • Minor: 30 units completed, ECON 103 and 105 with C- or higher, SFU ECON GPA of at least 2.0, cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.0
  • Contact the Economics advisor


  • completion of two 100-level ENGL courses 
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • contact the English advisor


Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies


Global Asia

  • completion of or enrolment in 6 required lower division GA units, including GA 101, an Asian language course or a lower division GA elective course
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • contact the Global Asia advisor

Global Humanities


  • completion of one History course
  • SFU HIST CGPA and CUDGPA of at least 2.0
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • contact the History advisor

Indigenous Studies

  • completion of a minimum of three INDG courses (students are encouraged to complete INDG 101 and 201W)
  • INDG CGPA of at least 2.0
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • contact the Indigenous Studies manager/advisor

International Studies

Italian Studies

Labour Studies

  • completion of one LBST course
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • LBST CGPA of at least 2.00
  • contact the Labour Studies advisor

Legal Studies

  • completion of at least 30 total units, including the required 9 lower division CRIM units with minimum C- grades
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.25 (college transfer students who meet the Legal Studies declaration requirements upon admission to SFU may use their admission CGPA for declaration purposes)
  • contact the Legal Studies advisor



  • completion of one Philosophy course
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • contact the Philosophy advisor

Police Studies

  • completion of at least 30 total units, including the required 9 lower division CRIM units with minimum C- grades
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.25 (college transfer students who meet the Legal Studies declaration requirements upon admission to SFU may use their admission CGPA for declaration purposes)
  • contact the Police Studies advisor

Political Science

  • Major: completion of all of POL 100, POL 200, POL 201 and POL 210 with minimum C grades
  • Minor: completion of POL 100 and POL 200W with minimum C grades
  • SFU POL CGPA and CUDGPA of at least 2.0
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • contact the Political Science advisor


  • Major: completion of PSYC 100, 102, 201W and 210 (or STAT 270), with a minimum C grade in PSYC 201W
  • Minor: completion of PSYC 100, 102 and 201W, with a minimum C grade in PSYC 201W
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • Submit the PSYC Declaration form by the following dates to ensure processing prior to the enrolment period (this will allow access to 300- and 400-level courses).
    • March 1st (for Summer term enrolment)
    • July 1st (for Fall term enrolment) 
    • November 1st (for Spring term enrolment)        

Public Policy

  • core lower division courses for the concentration completed
  • SFU CGPA of at least 2.0
  • contact

Social Data Analytics


Urban Worlds

  • completion of GEOG 161, INDG 101, PLAN 100 and URB 101
  • contact

World Languages and Literatures