
PhD student position in Immunology and Virology: Pulmonary Mucosal Immunity and the HIV Reservoirs, McGill University

June 05, 2019

A PhD student position in Immunology and Virology is available at the Research
Institute of the McGill University Health Center (MUHC) to work on a collaborative
research project on pulmonary immunity during HIV infection. The CIHR-funded
project is part of the Canadian HIV Cure Enterprise (CanCURE) and aims to assess the
immunological mechanisms involved in HIV persistence within the lungs of HIVinfected
individuals. The candidate will be co-supervised by Dr Cecilia Costiniuk,
Assistant Professor in Infectious Diseases at McGill (principal supervisor) and Dr
Mohammad-Ali Jenabian Associate Professor in Immunology and holder of a Canada
research chair in immuno-virology at UQAM (co-supervisor).

Qualifications :
•MSc degree in immunology, virology, molecular biology, biochemistry or a related
• Strong interest in working with human specimens and HIV.
• Laboratory experience in primary cell culture, molecular biology, flow cytometry and
• Excellent communication and writing skill in English

Salary :
A competitive salary is guaranteed based on the CIHR salary ranks

How to apply:
Please submit your CV, a cover letter and the names and contact information of three
referees in one single PDF document to Dr Costiniuk (

Only potential candidates will be contacted for an interview.