
Workshop for Social Science Researchers - Youth Engagement in Research Planning, Design and Execution

May 09, 2019

Friday, May 31, 2019
1190 Hornby Street,
9:00 - 4:00

- Adopt a stakeholder-informed research approach in line with emerging funding priorities
- Learn how youth engagement can improve research validity, relevance, and impact
- Work with leading researchers to plan for youth engagement in your project
- After the workshop, join free coaching sessions to put your plan into practice

Full workshop fee................................................................................................................................ $40
Discounted workshop fee for participating in a pre-workshop survey........................................ $20
Reimbursement for completing a 6 month follow-up survey........................................................ $20

To register, contact

This is a collaborative project in partnership with CAMH, Wisdom2Action, Dalhousie University, Foundry, Frayme, University of British Columbia, ACCESS Open Minds, and McGill University.

This project was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.