Each year, our MPH students present their practicum activities to the public.

Master in Public Health (MPH) Informational Webinar

January 04, 2016

SFU Health Sciences invites all applicants to our Master of Public Health (MPH) program to an informational webinar on Tuesday, January 12 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm (Pacific Standard Time).

  • Meet the MPH concentration leads, the Director of Graduate Programs and the Manager of Graduate Programs
  • Learn more about the program's concentrations and core competency framework
  • Hear about our practicum opportunities and the MPH capstone project

In order to receive the webinar link, your application to the SFU MPH program must be submitted by January 10, 2016.

For those unable to participate, the webinar will be recorded and posted on www.sfu.ca/fhs