Join a Group

Group counselling is a great way to find support for issues that affect you. Explore our list of options and sign up, refer yourself, or drop in to connect with others.

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    Better Coping Skills

    Anxiety, Stress

    Better Coping Skills is a program offered to students who want to improve their well-being.

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    Climate Change Anxiety

    Anxiety, Currently Offered

    This Canvas Course and seminar is designed to help participants understand different types of climate change distress and offer coping strategies. Available by request only.

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    Dungeons & Worry Dragons

    Currently Offered, Anxiety

    Build social skills by playing Dungeons & Dragons, a tabletop role-playing game, to combat depression and anxiety.

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    Garden Therapy for Self-Care

    Stress, Anxiety, Currently Offered

    While engaging in self-care can help reduce the effects of stress, horticulture therapy (garden therapy) activities provide a fun and comforting way to achieve similar outcomes.

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    Mindfulness Meditation

    Mindfulness, Currently Offered, Anxiety, Stress, Focus Balance, Self-Compassion

    Connect with your body, relax your mind, and discover tools for bringing more calm and ease into your life.

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    Stress 101: Navigating Low Mood & Anxiety

    Anxiety, Stress, Depression

    A counselling group for students experiencing anxiety and stress.

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    Understanding Anxiety and Depression

    Anxiety, Depression, Workshop, Currently Offered

    Join us for a practical and informative seminar on understanding and coping with anxiety and depression.