Employment opportunities


Grant-funded positions with FHS-affiliated researchers or FHS partners will be posted as they become available.

Post-doctoral Researcher - Maternal and Child Health Lab  |  Date posted: Sept 6, 2024

We seek a highly motivated, full-time Post-Doctoral Researcher that is highly-competent in the statistical analysis of longitudinal, life-course data to join our Society, Environment and Reproduction (SER) cohort research team.


Initiated in 2000, our longitudinal SER cohort study uses a life-course approach to investigate the influence of socio-ecological modulators on women’s reproductive maturation, ovarian function, and aging, as well as health outcomes throughout their lives. SER uses longitudinal data from 110 parous Indigenous Guatemalan women (aged 18-45 in 2000) and 52 of their daughters. We collected data in four field seasons (2000, 2013, 2017 and 2023). Using interview data alongside epigenetic, metabolic, hormone, and cytokine data from biospecimens, we monitor the participants’ socio-ecological contexts, energy metabolism, immune status, stress physiology, and reproductive and cardiometabolic health. An improved understanding of the socio-ecological factors that contribute to reproductive transitions (menarche, pregnancy and menopause), reproductive health and cardiometabolic disease risks will be used by the local Director of Health to inform the development of evidence-based preventative programs and health promotion strategies aimed at supporting women’s health and wellness at different stages of their lives.

Read the full job description now for more information about the role, including remuneration and length of term


Type: Full-time, Temporary
Salary: $60,000/year (with extended health and dental benefits).
While this position is fully-funded, the Post-Doctoral Researcher will be strongly encouraged and supported to seek CIHR or equivalent fellowship funding to extend their appointment and build their academic record.
Start Date: January 2025
Term: 1 year
Location: In person, SFU Burnaby campus

To apply, please send the following to Katrina Salvante (kgsalvan@sfu.ca) with the subject line SER postdoctoral position:

  • A cover letter highlighting quantitative expertise, your motivation for wanting to work on this project, and your own research trajectory (and its relationship to the goals of the SER project) (~1-2 pages)
  • A copy of your curriculum vitae
  • An unofficial copy of graduate transcript(s)
  • A sample of your academic writing (e.g., published, peer-reviewed manuscripts) that includes quantitative data analysis that you conducted independently
  • Two (2) reference letters

Review of applications will continue until an appointment is made.

These materials will be used to invite applicants to participate in our multi-stage hiring process. Invited applicants will be required to participate in a 45-minute interview over Zoom. During the interview, we will ask you to describe experiences that demonstrate your suitability for this position.


Senior Data Analyst (Mixed Methods) - Health Ecologies and Lifestyles (HEAL) Lab  |  Date posted: Aug 23, 2024

The Healthy Ecologies and Lifestyle (HEAL) Lab is a social and behavioural epidemiology lab led by Dr. Kiffer Card in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. In partnership with the Mental Health and Climate Change Alliance and Canadian Alliance for Social Connection and Health, HEAL currently leads research projects focused on the upstream social-ecological determinants of health, happiness, and wellbeing – with an emphasis on addressing psychological and emotional distress associated with public health crises, which include climate change, loneliness, substance use, and economic turmoil.

HEAL is recruiting a passionate, curious, and highly-skilled individual as a Senior Data Analyst (Mixed Methods) to work on projects related to three priority research areas:

  1. climate-related ecological distress
  2. social and emotional distress, and
  3. therapeutic and recreational substance use

Read the full job description now

Type: Part-time, temporary (2 years)
Term: 1 year, renewal contingent on funding
Hourly Rate: $35-$45 per hours, commensurate with experience
Hours: 35 hours/week
Schedule: Flexible (Must be available for regular meetings 9am – 5pm Pacific Time, M-F)
Remote work within BC
Start Date: ASAP

How to Apply: Please email your application to kcard@sfu.ca by September 20, 2024.

All applicants are required to provide:

  1. a cover letter highlighting qualitative and quantitative expertise (<2 pages)
  2. a resume/curriculum vita, and
  3. a writing sample for a quantitative study, with accompanying R code. The writing sample must include quantitative or qualitative data analysis independently conducted by the applicant.

These materials will be used to invite applicants to participate in our multi-stage hiring process. Details about the application process are included in the full job description


Project Coordinator -  Ărramăt: Pathway 10 project team  |  Date posted: Aug 13, 2024

We are seeking a highly motivated full-time Project Coordinator (PC) to join our Pathway 10 project team. The PC will work directly with the Ărramăt Pathway 10 project team and the Centre for Collaborative Action on Indigenous Health Governance (CCAIHG). The PC will offer research expertise and analytical support related to Pathway 10 activities, which include leading the development of a series of global scoping reviews and publications, providing support to place-based projects, synthesis of information gathered during virtual and in-person regional engagement sessions, coordinating language interpreters (i.e., French, Spanish, and Thai) for global meetings, ensuring the project team meets reporting deadlines and deliverables, and related research tasks.

Read the full job description now

Status: Full-time (37.5 hours per week) position for a one-year contract, with the possibility of extension. Extended health and dental benefits are not included.
Location: Remote work within BC

The successful candidate must be able to start by September 16, 2024.

How to Apply: Please send a resume, a written sample piece, and a cover letter outlining why you are interested in this position via email to: indigenoushealthgovcentre@sfu.ca by August 27th, 2024.


Knowledge Mobilization Specialist - Social Sciences and Humanities Consortium (SSH-C)  |  Date posted: May 6, 2024

We are seeking a Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) Specialist who will support the Consortium in identifying and implementing best practices for mobilizing research findings through a broad range of channels. The Specialist supports the development and implementation of Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) plans and activities for the SSH-C, develops and coordinates KMb skills training programs, and provides leadership for our annual KMb priorities.

The Specialist will create tools and assist SSH-C members, collaborators and partners with engaging scientific, industry, government, public health, and public audiences. This engagement will involve assessing knowledge mobilization needs related to our mandate and how our members, collaborators and partners wish to work with the SSH-C. The Specialist will then develop evidence-based outputs that advance public acceptability and accessibility of vaccines and immune-based innovations.

The Specialist is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with SSH-C members, collaborators, and partners, along with research facilitators, research administrators, communicators, government, professional bodies, industry etc., with the aim of increasing public understanding of vaccines and immune-based innovations in Canada.

This is a 0.8 - 1.0 FTE contract role (negotiable). 

Application Process

Please send a cover letter and your curriculum vitae to sshc-info@sfu.ca. Please use the subject line: “Application for SSH-C Knowledge Mobilization Specialist.”

Review of applications will begin on May 20, 2024 until an appointment is made.

Read the full job description

The SSH-C has been funded to support Canada’s Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy, to strengthen Canada’s readiness for future pandemics or other health emergencies. The SSH Consortium, as a key component of the CIEBH, will bring together leading social scientists from across Canada and globally to better understand and support confidence in, and equitable access to, vaccines and other immune-based innovations.