Performance & Culture

Whether you’re interested in becoming a performing artist or studying the performing arts at our School for the Contemporary Arts, creating virtual worlds and interactive media in our School of Interactive Arts and Technology, or studying communication theory and popular culture in our School of Communication, our faculty has a wide range of programs and courses that engage with these topics.

School for the Contemporary Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Theatre Performance Major

The Theatre Performance program in our School for the Contemporary Arts offers a rigorous, dynamic approach to contemporary theatre practice. The program puts unique emphasis on ensemble techniques, physical practice, devising, and dramaturgy. Graduates find professional work around the world; many have continued their studies in graduate schools across North America.

School for the Contemporary Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Dance Major

The dance program in our School for the Contemporary Arts offers students a unique opportunity to study, create and perform dance within a collaborative, interdisciplinary department. The program features a variety of courses that include dance technique and composition, choreography, repertory and performance, and the history and aesthetics of dance. 

School of Communication

Bachelor of Arts - Communication Major

A major in communication provides students with a foundation in critical thinking, reading, analysis and production in the field of communication that allows them to study the cultures, histories, technologies, and ideologies of the media and communication infrastructures in our society to inform and shape media, politics and popular culture.

School of Interactive Arts & Technology

Bachelor of Arts — Interactive Arts & Technology Major

In the BA program in our School of Interactive Arts and Technology, students work with a variety of media and technology related to popular culture such as video game and user experience design, animation, and graphic design. Students are encouraged to collaborate with their peers and instructors while building a portfolio of impressive work.

Performance & Culture Stories