Instructor Resources


Course Textbooks and Library Resources

Ordering Textbooks and Desk Copies

Your textbook information should be listed on your course outline, as this will be used to order textbooks for your course. Textbooks can be listed as either required or recommended.  Once your outline has been submitted, the Program Assistant will order the textbook for your course through the SFU Bookstore.

Many publishers will supply complimentary desk copies of textbooks. This can be ordered on your behalf upon request by the undergraduate or graduate program assistant.

If you or your TAs require desk copies, you can also contact staff as they may have extra textbooks to lend out during the term.


Library Reserves

Books and other materials may be put on reserve for your students at the SFU library. Instructors can learn more about how to order the materials on the library website here.


FHS Liaison Librarian

Liaison librarians are specialists in the information sources and approaches used by specific university departments.  Visit the library website to contact the FHS liaison librarian: