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Academic Disciplinary Process
When an instructor suspects that there may be an incident of academic dishonesty, the student academic integrity procedures provide instruction on a fair process.
When an incident occurs within a course, the Instructor for that course is the first level decision maker. The Instructor must give the Student an opportunity to meet and discuss the case. A Student may bring a support person to the meeting. If the Instructor believes the evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that the the Student has engaged in academic dishonesty, the Instructor may impose one or more of the following penalties:
- Give the Student a warning
- Require the Student to redo the assignment
- Assign a low grade for the assignment
- Assign a grade of “F” for the assignment
Escalated cases
In situations where the student has a previous violation of the academic integrity policy or where the Instructor refers the case to the Chair, the case will be reviewed by either the Chair of the Department or the the Registrar. If further penalty is being considered by the Chair or the Registrar, the Student must be given an opportunity to meet and discuss the case. If the the Chair/Registrar find that factors exist to warrant a further penalty, they may impose one of the following penalties:
- issue a formal reprimand to the student,
- assign a grade less severe than “FD” (Failed-Discipline),
- assign a grade of “FD” (Failed - Discipline).
If the Chair believes that the academic dishonesty deserves a penalty beyond the ones mentioned above, the Chair may impose penalties mentioned above AND refer the case to the University Board on Student Discipline (UBSD) with a recommendation that a more serious penalty be imposed. If the Student wishes to dispute the findings of fact of the Instructor, the Chair of the Department, or the Registrar to the University Board on Student Discipline (UBSD) within three weeks of the date of notification by the Instructor, the Chair or the Registrar. Notations of FD are visible on the academic transcript and will remain on the transcript for two years after the Student graduates.
View the S10.01 Student Academic Integrity Policy.
Appeal process
Students can appeal the facts of the case and the severity of the penalty. Appeals must be submitted in writing within three (3) weeks of the date of notification by the instructor, the Chair, or the Registrar. A copy of the academic dishonesty report is kept in a confidential database in the Registrar's Office and referred to only if there is a subsequent violation of academic dishonesty. No notation is made on the academic transcript.
Ombudsperson contact
Unsure if your appeal has merit? Require guidance on the appeal process?
Laura Reid
MBC 2266
Instructors are encouraged to consult with the academic integrity advisors of each department. They are available to give you advice on the process of disciplinary actions. If you are unsure who is the academic integrity advisor for your department, please contact rballett@sfu.ca. You can also contact Arlette Stewart, Coordinator for Academic Integrity: 778-782-7075.
Students are advised to consult with the Ombudsperson. The Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent, impartial and confidential resource for students and other members of the university community. The Ombudsperson is available to assist students with the process for appealing allegations of academic dishonesty. Students can appeal the facts of the case and the severity of the penalty. Appeals must be submitted in writing within three (3) weeks of the date of notification by the instructor, the Chair, or the Registrar.