Undergraduate Tuition Refund Request

The Registar's Office reviews requests for refunds of tuition fees and tuition penalties for classes dropped due to extenuating circumstances beyond a student's control.

Tuition refund request

Personal information

Request details

Requesting refund for multiple terms? Please submit a separate request.
Subject, course number, number of units. i.e CMNS 110-3
Maximum 500 characters

Upload supporting documents

The total size of uploaded documents can be no larger than 15 MB. If you exceed this limit, please adjust the size of your attachments and retry.

All Medical requests must be accompanied by the Tuition Appeals Health Care Provider statement

Terms and conditions
Freedom of Information and protection of privacy

The information on this form is collected under the authority of the University Act (RSBC 1996, C.468, s.27[4a]). This information is needed, and will be used, to decide upon your appeal. The information may be shared with the Associate Director, Advising or designate for follow-up contact from an Academic Advisor. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, contact the Associate Registrar, Information, Records and Registration at 778.782.3198.