Postdoctoral Fellow





Javier Ruiz Soler

Javier Ruiz-Soler, Ph.D. (European University Institute) is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Democracies Institute.  

His dissertation examined the contribution of the European Political Twittersphere to the emergence of a European Public Sphere and European demos, applying the methodology of network analysis and sentiment analysis.

His research interests focus on digital public spheres, misinformation, digital democracy, digital methods, and big data and politics.

Javier has been a visiting scholar at the Digital Media, Networks & Political Communication research group (DIMENET) of the Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania), at the Public Opinion & Media Lab (POMLAB) (University of Milan), and Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Harvard University).

He has taught courses on Computational Methods at the Lorenzo di Medici Institute in Florence, and Social Media and Politics at the University of Luzern.


  • BA, University of Valencia, Spain (History)
  • MA, Lund University, Sweden, (European Studies)
  • PhD, European University Institute, Italy (Political and Social Sciences)


  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2020), “The mapping of the European Political Twittersphere and its significance for the European Public Sphere: a transnational EPS”, [forthcoming in E. De Blasio, M. Kneuer, W. J. Schünemann and M. Sorice. Ongoing Transformation of the Digital Public Sphere, Media and Communication Journal, 8(4).]
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier, Curini, L, Ceron, A (2019), “Commenting politics through Twitter. Are European politics European?”, [forthcoming Social Media & Society]
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2018), “The last will be the first. A study of European Issue Publics on Twitter”, in E. Pavan and A. Mattoni (eds.), Partecipazione e conflitto, special issue The Big Data Challenge. From Big Data in Politics to the Politics of Big Data, 11(2): 423-447
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2017), “Twitter research for social scientists: a brief introduction to the benefits, limitations and tools for analysing Twitter data.”, Revista Dígitos, 3.
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2014), “The role of the Euroblogosphere in a context of a European Public Sphere”, in: A. Stepinska (ed.) Media and Communication in Europe, Logos Verlag, 61-73.


  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2019). “Are social media platforms good for democracy?”, Magazine Association of Political Communication (ACOP), 34: 32-33, ISSN: 2340-9576. (In Spanish)
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier and Seóne Pérez, F. (2018). “Are bots dreaming in winning elections?” Magazine Association of Political Communication (ACOP), 23, pp. 11-15, ISSN: 2445- 3951. (In Spanish)
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2017), “The European Public Sphere: exist, can exist, will exist”, APUZ-Bdp Bundestag Magazine. (In German).
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2016), Reactions to Juncker’s State of the Union speech show the difficulties in creating a European public sphere online. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (22 Sep 2016). Blog Entry.” LINK
  • Ruiz Soler, Javier (2012), The Euroblogosphere has great potential to contribute to the European public sphere. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (27 Oct 2012). Blog Entry. LINK
  • Ruiz-Soler, Javier (2012), How can internet contribute to civil participation? The case of Eurobloggers. Heinrich Böll Foundation. Blog (24 Sep 2012). Blog Entry. LINK


  • European Public Sphere, especially online.
  • Political Communication, especially at the European level.
  • Social media and politics.
  • Digital Diplomacy.
  • Digital Democracy.
  • Big Data and politics.
  • Mis- and Dis- information.
  • Computational methods, network analysis, content & sentiment analysis.
  • Digital methods: Data mining, Twitter data, issue mapping, social media analytics.