Enda Brophy

Associate Professor

T: 778-782-8085
E: ebrophy@sfu.ca
Room: HC3559

Currently Teaching


This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.




Other Publications


  • Ciccarelli, Roberto (2015) "Expo Milano 2015: The Institutionalization of Working for Free in Italy" (with Roberta Buiani) tripleC 13(2): 423-427.
  • Roggero, Gigi (2011) The Production of Living Knowledge: Crisis of the University and Transformation of Labor in Europe and North America. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
  • Dalla Costa, Giovanna Franca (2008) The Work of Love: Unpaid Housework, Poverty and Sexual Violence at the Dawn of the 21st Century. New York: Autonomedia.
  • Dalla Costa, Mariarosa (1998) “Introduction.” In Dalla Costa, Giovanna Franca. 2008. The Work of Love: Unpaid Housework, Poverty and Sexual Violence at the Dawn of the 21st Century. New York: Autonomedia: 11-32.
  • Dalla Costa, Mariarosa (2007) “Two Baskets for Change.” The Commoner. 12. URL: http://www.commoner.org.uk/12dallacosta1.pdf
  • Dalla Costa, Mariarosa. 2007 “Re-Ruralizing the World” The Commoner, 12. URL: http://www.commoner.org.uk/12dallacosta1.pdf
  • Borio, Guido et al. 2007. “Conricerca as Political Action” in Utopian Pedagogy: Confronting Neoliberalism in the Age of Globalization, edited by M. Coté, R. Day and G. de Peuter, 163-158. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Berardi, Franco. 2007. “From the Organic Intellectual to the Formation of the Cognitariat” in Utopian Pedagogy: Confronting Neoliberalism in the Age of Globalization, edited by M. Coté, R. Day and G. de Peuter, 133-144. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Brophy, E. et al. 2007. “Women’s Autonomy and the Labour of Reproduction: An Interview with Mariarosa Dalla Costa.” in Utopian Pedagogy: Confronting Neoliberalism in the Age of Globalization, edited by M. Coté, R. Day and G. de Peuter, 145-162. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Enda Brophy’s areas of research interest and graduate supervision are the political economy of communication; communication and social change; labour and collective organizing in the media and communication industries; autonomist marxism; digital and communicative dimensions of debt; and call centres. His first book, Language Put to Work: The Making of the Global Call Centre Workforce, won the 2018 Canadian Association of Work and Labour Studies' book of the year award and the 2018 Canadian Communication Association’s Gertrude J. Robinson book of the year award. With Greig de Peuter, Nicole Cohen, Kate Oakley and Marisol Sandoval he collaborates on Cultural Workers Organize, a research project exploring collective responses to precarious employment by workers in cultural and creative industries. He has translated numerous works by Italian scholars, including Gigi Roggero’s The Production of Living Knowledge: Crisis of the University and Transformation of Labor in Europe and North America and Giovanna Franca Dalla Costa’s The Work of Love: Unpaid Housework, Poverty and Sexual Violence at the Dawn of the 21st Century. He is an Associate in the Labour Studies Program at SFU, and an editorial board member of the journals Studies in Political EconomyWork Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, and tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique.