Puzzle I Hint 1

Think about “3 2 4 = TIN”. Why do those numbers correspond to those letters? Is there anything else on this page that would suggest a connection?


Have you seen the colours of these numbers anywhere on this page? And what are those pawprints?

Puzzle I Hint 3

Take a look at the “Auditions” part of the virtual ambassador graphic. The colours match those of the numbers, and “T I N” are all contained in it. So, what’s the connection?

Puzzle I: What is that green block?

If you’re unsure about what the green block around the “2” means, take a look at the hero image on this page, or come back when you feel like you have more information.

Puzzle II Hint 1

Take a good look at the letters in front of you. Can you make out a message of some kind?

Puzzle II Hint 2

Reading the whole block of text backwards gives you “Search below”. What could that mean? Also, why is there a cursor shown, and why is the text white on blue?

Puzzle II HInt 3

Highlighting text with your cursor in the space below would produce a similar effect to the image.

Puzzle II: Why is everything backwards?

If you’re unsure as to why everything highlighted in blue is backwards, just remember the fact for now and come back later.

FINAL PUZZLE: General Hint

This puzzle comes in a few steps, but first think about what exactly it is you need to do. One of the images contains a link; this seems to be what you’re looking for. What do you need to understand and do to complete it?

Final Puzzle: Red Pattern Hint 1

The image in the top left is a “TRAY”

Red Pattern Hint 2

“TRAY” becomes “TRY and “FOLEY” becomes “FLY”. What is happening to the objects in the red?

Final Puzzle: Blue Pattern Hint 1

The image in the bottom left is an image of “RATS”

Final Puzzle: Blue Pattern Hint 2

“DOG” Becomes “GOD” and “STAR” becomes “RATS".What is happening to the objects in the blue?

Final Puzzle: Yellow Pattern Hint 1

The image in the bottom left is a “CART”

Final Puzzle: Yellow Hint 2

“CAR” Becomes “CARD” and “CAR” becomes “CART". What is happening to the objects in the yellow?

Final Puzzle: Green Pattern Hint 1

This one is a little tricky compared to the other three colours, so start with what you know. Have you seen this green somewhere else before?

Final Puzzle: Green Pattern Hint 2

This green has been seen in puzzle I, as well as the hero image on the studiosiat homepage.. Think about the image and the text in it specifically. If the green screen is an extension of the pattern, then what is it suggesting?

Final Puzzle: Green Pattern Hint 3

Going back to the images, the four images displayed are those of a “RIVER”, “ARENA”, “TIGER” and “PECAN” respectively. What is the relationship between these words, and what do the numbers have to do with it?

Final Puzzle: The Link Hint 1

Hopefully by now you have an understanding of the four colours and what they mean. If you don’t, go back and figure that out. If you have, now think about what word you’re acting these four colours on, and in what order.

Final Puzzle: The Link Hint 2

Look at the question marks in the square in the middle. Do they look familiar? What about the border or the roman numerals in the background? Have you seen those before? Why is this the last puzzle you are seeing?

Final Puzzle: The Link Hint 3

Is there any way to combine the two answers of the first two puzzles to create a single word to use with the colours?