
Research Resources

Education in research design and data analysis is provided through required courses (PSYC 910, 911, 824), through participation in required research area seminars, and in MA thesis and PhD dissertation work. Additional elective courses are made available as need dictates. Students have access to departmental research support of $300 at the MA level and $400 at the Ph.D. level for costs incurred for research material (e.g., testing materials, postage and other office materials). Students have access to the Psychology Department Microcomputer Lab which includes two Laser printers and 21 computers that have up to date statistical and word processing software and the Windows operating system. The departmental network provides several licensed statistical software packages (SPSS, BMDP, Systat, Minitab, Lisrel and Mathcad), word processing packages, data processing programs, and graphic packages. Electronic mail, file transfer, file and disk utilities are also provided. Academic Computing Services provides additional microcomputer labs across campus and support services. Most faculty labs have computers accessible to graduate students.

Projectors are available to support PowerPoint and slide presentations. The department is richly supplied with technical staff who can help with software and hardware problems. Students normally receive office space in the research laboratories of their supervisors. The Library has excellent resources including online databases in psychology including PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES (full text of APA and CPA journals), PsycBOOKS (full text of APA books), Mental Measurements Yearbook, Humanities and Social Sciences Index, Digital Dissertations and Web of Science. Interlibrary loans of books and copies of articles are accessible through academic libraries.

Clinical Training Resources

Our program has an on-campus training clinic, the Clinical Psychology Centre (CPC). The CPC is staffed with a two-thirds-time director, two part-time associate directors, and an office coordinator. Beginning in the first year of the program, students receive experience and training in the CPC. The CPC has a built-in digital audiovisual system enabling multiple sessions to be recorded simultaneously. We have additional portable audio and videotape recording equipment, and overhead and LCD projectors for educational presentations. All but two of the therapy rooms are equipped with one-way mirrors for observation.

Clinical supervision for therapy and assessment is provided by the CPC director and associate directors, as well as SFU faculty members and off-campus clinical associates.

Additionally, several local clinical settings provide practicum training at the MA level, and senior practicum training in the PhD program. Students apply for CPA- and APA-accredited internships nationally and internationally.

Financial and Scholarship Support

Please see the main Psychology Department website for information general to Psychology, and the main University website for information about university-wide resources. New graduate students have priority for Teaching Assistantships in the first 5 terms of the MA program and the first 8 terms in the PhD program (current value is $6,240 per term for MA students and $7,390 per term for PhD students).  In addition, new students with a minimum 3.5 GPA will receive a Graduate Fellowship (current value is $7,000) in the summer term of their first year.  Our students are competitive for internal and external scholarships and fellowships (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR, etc.) and approximately 50% are successful in receiving fundings.  In addition, many students receive funding through Research Assistantships.