" I decided to join the MPub program because I wanted to learn more about the industry and fuel my love of books. "

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Emily McGovern

January 22, 2024

Masters of Publishing in the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology

Tell us a little about yourself, including what inspires you to learn and continue in your chosen field

I’m a graduate student currently pursuing a master's in publishing. I decided to join the MPub program because I wanted to learn more about the industry and fuel my love of books. I am constantly motivated by my own pursuit of knowledge. I find inspiration in the process of conducting research, pushing the boundaries of my skills and ultimately making a positive impact on my community.

Why did you choose to come to SFU?

I chose SFU because I received my Bachelor of Arts and TESL certification from SFU in 2022. I liked the sense of community and care that SFU had and as a result, I wanted to continue my education here. I felt that SFU has great connections in the area of study that I am focused on.

How would you describe your research or your program to a family member?

My program is focused on media literacy, publishing, media and technology. We examine all aspects of publishing both digital and print. I am focused on accessibility, open access and academic publishing.

What three (3) keywords would you use to describe your research?

Informational Technology, Accessibility, Media

How have your courses, RA-ships, TA-ships, or non-academic school experiences contributed to your academic and/or professional development?

I’m an avid volunteer for various non-profits across Canada focused on community outreach and raising awareness for various causes such as support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals and childhood cancer research. I have worked as an intern and assistant for various businesses formulating and implementing research into projects and campaigns. I am hoping to become a TA in the upcoming term.

Have you been the recipient of any major or donor-funded awards? If so, please tell us which ones and a little about how the awards have impacted your studies and/or research

I am a recipient of a Graduate Fellowship Award and Dean's Honour Roll. As a first-generation student, a scholarship means the world to me. I am the first person in my family to ever attend university let alone attempt graduate studies. A scholarship gives me more time to focus on my studies and put my best foot forward in my program.

What have been the most valuable lessons you've learned along your graduate student journey (or in becoming a graduate student)?

The most valuable lesson that I’ve learned along my journey is time management and self-confidence. Being able to stay on top of work, school and life in general can be tough but being a graduate student has helped me better develop these skills. I feel more confident in my skills when it comes to collaboration, research and writing.

If you could dedicate your research to anyone (past, present and/or future), who would that be and why?

I would dedicate my research to my parents Leah and Ken for always supporting me in my aspirations and education and motivating me to never quit.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

My skills and education also stem beyond publishing. With a BA in linguistics, I have been teaching English for 3 years. I also run a blog on Instagram where I review and discuss literature. I’m also thankful for my amazing cohort and peers.


Contact Emily:emcgover@sfu.ca

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