News + Events

What's happening at Graduate Studies?

3 Minute Thesis

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition challenges graduate students to present their thesis and its significance in just three minutes and one slide.

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President's Dream Colloquium

The President's Dream Colloquium brings leading thinkers to SFU and provides an annual forum for intensive interdisciplinary exchange amongst faculty and students.

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Your Career Compass

The Your Career Compass workshop series helps graduate students navigate their career options inside or outside of academia.

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Upcoming Events Hosted by Graduate Studies

3MT Part 2: The Construction, Flow, and Delivery of an Engaging Flash Talk

Now that you have a solid first 30 seconds covered (especially if you attended the workshop on Jan. 28), what will you now do with the next 150? This workshop will offer you tools to structure your short and snappy talk effectively, time it perfectly, and most importantly, make it engaging from beginning to end. Presented with Julie Jones, Research Commons Librarian.

February 6 | 1:00-2:30 p.m.

In person at Research Commons (7th Floor Bennet Library)

NEW! wow the crowd: thinking outside the academic presentation

Ever seen a presentation that sticks in your mind, leaving a truly memorable impression? Or what transforms a great talk (or 3MT) into an unforgettable, award-winning one? Often, it’s the smallest details that make the biggest impact. In this new workshop, discover how to unleash your creativity and elevate your presentation skills to captivate your audience like never before. Join us and learn alongside Science Slam Programming Chair – Alison Müller (PhD).

February 13 | 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Harbour Centre - 1520 Barrick Gold Lecture Room

A 3MT in 1, 2, 3

A quick and easy session to learn how to develop and present a successful Three Minute Thesis. In these 60 minutes, you will find out about how to construct your hook, build your presentation's flow, and deliver it like a champion.

February 20 | 12:00-1:00 p.m.


3MT WildCard Heat

Missed or unable to attend your faculty's heat? Sign up for the wildcard heat to be considered for the SFU Finals.

March 19 | 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Online (TBD)

will open on Mar 3

3MT SFU Finals

We're excited to host the SFU Finals at SFU Surrey campus this year. We've got some incredible judges lined up for this exciting event.

Stay tuned for more details and link to RSVP soon!

Date/Time: April 10 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Surrey Campus (SYRE Building)

1:1 Graduate Student Career Coaching Sessions

Book a 1:1 career coaching session to support your career exploration, job search, portfolio development, or future education plans. Coach: Deanne Esdale, CCDP, Senior Career Educator, Career and Volunteer Services, SFU. 

Schedule your session today on myExperience*, SFU’s platform for career appointments, events, jobs, and volunteer opportunities.

*After logging in, you can find 1:1 Grad student career appointments under the Career/Appointment Calendar in the left-hand menu. Be sure to add your appointment to your calendar!


By appointment only

In-person & online

More Events for Grad Students

On Campus

  • Multilingual Week (MLW) | February 24 - March 1, 2025
    Multilingual Week (MLW) is SFU’s annual global connection on campus: your opportunity to meet new people with whom you may share language and cultural connections. To hear from different language speakers and language experts. To find out how language knowledge sets you up for success in your life and career.
  • Advanced PowerPoint | February 11, 2025
    Beyond the basics: learn more advanced tips and tricks for working with PowerPoint. We will focus on working with animation, templates, and voiceovers.
  • Idea Prize competition application deadline: February 9, 2025
    Idea Prize Info Session | February 9, 2025
    Idea Prize Interactive Workshops | February 26, 2025
    Customer Discovery Workshop | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM:  Learn actionable, science-based strategies to understand your audience and participate in a special partner discovery breakout session.
    Pitching Workshop | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM:  Master the art of crafting clear, compelling business presentations that wow any audience.

Off Campus

  • Mitacs Professional Development Workshops from mastering the elevator pitch, to leadership, project management, and more! Check out their workshop dates from November 2024 through January 2025 by downloading the Excel sheet. Sign up by visiting their website.
* MitacsUpcomingworkshopdates2024_25.xlsx
Mitacs Workshop schedule (November 2024 - January 2025)



Additional SFU Events