Fiona Brinkman

Distinguished Professor
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Areas of interest

Developing bioinformatics methods, and capitalizing on combined bioinformatics and wet-lab approaches, investigating microbes and their host/environmental interactions, to better understand key themes in infectious disease etiology, microbiome conservation, and associated immune disorders. The overall goal is to develop more sustainable, integrated approaches for infectious disease control.


  • B.Sc., Biochemistry, University of Waterloo 
  • Ph.D., Biology, University of Ottawa

Selected Publications

  • Bertelli C, Tilley KE and Brinkman FS (2018). Microbial genomic island discovery, visualization and analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bib/bby042. Pubmed PMID: 29868902
  • Bertelli C, Laird MR, Williams KP; Simon Fraser University Research Computing Group, Lau BY, Hoad G, Winsor GL and Brinkman FS (2017). IslandViewer 4: expanded prediction of genomic islands for larger-scale datasets. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(W1), pp.W30-W35. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx343. Pubmed PMID: 28472413
  • Jia B, Raphenya AR, Alcock B, Waglechner N, Guo P, Tsang KK, Lago BA, Dave BM, Pereira S, Sharma AN, Doshi S, Courtot M, Lo R, Williams LE, Frye JG, Elsayegh T, Sardar D, Westman EL, Pawlowski AC, Johnson TA, Brinkman FS and Wright GD, McArthur AG. (2016). CARD 2017: expansion and model-centric curation of the comprehensive antibiotic resistance database. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(D1), pp.D566-D573. doi:10.1093/nar/gkw1004. Pubmed PMID : 27789705
  • Van Rossum T, Peabody MA, Uyaguari-Diaz MI, Cronin KI, Chan M, Slobodan JR, Nesbitt MJ, Suttle CA, Hsiao WW, Tang PK, Prystajecky NA, Brinkman FS. Year-Long Metagenomic Study of River Microbiomes Across Land Use and Water Quality. Front. Microbiol. 2015 Dec 16;6:1405. PubMed PMID: 26733955.
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