- About
- People
- Faculty
- Tim Audas
- Christopher Beh
- Lorena Braid
- Fiona S.L. Brinkman
- Mark Brockman
- Jonathan Choy
- Lisa Craig
- Sharon Gorski
- Nicholas Harden
- Nancy Hawkins
- Robert Holt
- William Hsiao
- Valentin Jaumouillé
- Lisa Julian
- Dustin King
- Irina Kovalyova
- Mani Larijani
- Amy Lee
- Michel Leroux
- Ryan Morin
- Ingrid Northwood
- Mark Paetzel
- Lynne Quarmby
- Dheva Setiaputra
- Michael Silverman
- Sophie Sneddon
- Glen Tibbits
- Peter Unrau
- Esther Verheyen
- Stephanie Vlachos
- David Vocadlo
- Edgar Young
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- Audas Lab
- Beh Lab
- Braid lab
- Brinkman Lab
- Brockman Lab
- Chen Lab
- Choy Lab
- Craig Lab
- Gorski Lab
- Harden Lab
- Hawkins Lab
- Holt Lab
- Hsiao Lab
- Jaumouillé Lab
- Julian Lab
- King Lab
- Larijani Lab
- Lee Lab
- Leroux Lab
- Morin Lab
- Paetzel Lab
- Pio Lab
- Quarmby Lab
- Sen Lab
- Setiaputra Lab
- Silverman Lab
- Thewalt Lab
- Tibbits Lab
- Unrau Lab
- Verheyen Lab
- Vocadlo Lab
- Young Lab
- Bioinformatics & Genomics
- Cells & Disease
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- C2D2 Centre for Cell Biology, Development, and Disease
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- News Archives
- 2025
- 2024
- Valentin Jaumouillé and Ryan Morin Receive Faculty of Science Research Awards
- Fiona Brinkman Recognized with Excellence in Science Public Engagement, Communication & Outreach Award
- Lionel Pereira receives Faculty of Science Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
- Scientists develop tool to predict sepsis in apparently healthy newborns
- Dr. Lynne Quarmby, cool new discoveries about Watermelon Snow
- Dr. Valentin Jaumouillé and Dr. Amy Lee, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry researchers receive Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar awards
- Verheyen Lab breakthrough identifies gene that may reverse Parkinson’s disease
- Dr. Ryan Morin has been honored with the Bernard and Francine Dorval Prize from the Canadian Cancer Society
- MBB researchers awarded $2 million in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Dr. Glen Tibbits honoured as Distinguished SFU Professor
- Reflecting on barriers and progress towards equity in science
- Royal Society of Canada bestows Dr. Vocadlo with country’s highest academic honour
- Decoding the genome to predict the clinical course of lymphomas
- 2023 Award for Excellence in Supervision: Esther Verheyen
- In a recent Nature Communications paper, the Audas lab demonstrates that proteins can act as microscopic thermometers to sense and respond to changing environmental conditions
- 2023
- Dr. Dustin King speaks to Molecular Cell about sustainability and molecular biology
- Science Advances paper by new MBB PhD, Casey Engstrom and Professor Lynne Quarmby uses satellites to study the impact of Watermelon Snow on glacier loss in North America
- Dr. Sathiyaseelan and team explore the expression and therapeutic target potential of cysteine protease ATG4 in pancreatic cancer
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
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- 2017
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- Science Rendezvous
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Research Personnel
Name |
Phone |
Supervisor |
Choi, Sumin | (778) 782-3986 | suminc@sfu.ca | Lorena Braid |
Cook, Justin | (778) 782-5414 | jmcook@sfu.ca | Fiona Brinkman |
Cruz, Manuela | (778) 782-9648 |
manuelac@sfu.ca | Ryan Morin |
Enns, Winnie | (778) 782-8707 | wenns@sfu.ca | Jonathan Choy |
Gill, Erin | (778) 782-5414 | egill@sfu.ca | Fiona Brinkman |
Gillis, Sierra | (778) 782-9648 | sierrag@sfu.ca | Ryan Morin |
Hansen, Kobra (Fahimeh) | (778) 782-6817 |
kobrah@sfu.ca | Mani Larijani |
Heravi Moussavi, Alireza | (778) 782-6817 | aheravim@sfu.ca | Mani Larijani |
Huang, Hilary | (778) 782-5785 |
hha141@sfu.ca | Dheva Setiaputra |
Huebert, David | (778) 782-6817 |
dnh1@sfu.ca | Mani Larijani |
Ju, Hyelim | (778) 782-5785 | hyelimj@sfu.ca | Dheva Setiaputra |
Kharkova, Yelyzaveta | (778) 782-4894 | yka116@sfu.ca | Peter Unrau |
Klossok, Luke | (778) 782-7141 | lwk1@sfu.ca | Lisa Craig |
Kolappan, Subramania | (778) 782-7141 | kola@sfu.ca | Lisa Craig |
Li, Chunmei | (778) 782-5785 | clie@sfu.ca | Michel Leroux |
Madonsela, Landiso | (778) 782-4239 |
lmadvons@sfu.ca | Esther Verheyen |
Mercado Mendoza, Luisa | (778) 782-5414 | lfm3@sfu.ca | Fiona Brinkman |
Minhas, Abhimanyu | (778) 782-3986 |
asm17@sfu.ca | Lisa Julian |
Moroak, Gurpreet | (778) 782-4239 | gsm14@sfu.ca | Esther Verheyen |
Mslati, Hazem | (778) 782-6817 |
hazem_mslati@sfu.ca | Mani Larijani |
Oki, Yuuka | (778) 782-5931 | yoa12@sfu.ca | Nancy Hawkins |
Redey, Alexandra | (778) 782-4596 | ara68@sfu.ca | Amy Lee |
Salamat Ravandi, Ronak | (778) 782-3986 | ronaks@sfu.ca | Lisa Julian |
Sangha, Keerat | (778) 782-3904 | kks44@sfu.ca | Dustin King |
Sumiya, Sadia | (778) 782-3904 | ssa426@sfu.ca | Dustin King |
Sandhu, Mansehaj | (778) 782-4090 | mks42@sfu.ca | Valentin Jaumouille |
Tettweiler, Gritta | (778) 782-4239 | gritta_tettweiler@sfu.ca | Esther Verheyen |
Tkatchouk, Mila | (778) 782-4596 | milat@sfu.ca | Amy Lee |
Wang, Simon | (778) 782-3986 | sjwang@sfu.ca | Lorena Braid |
Wieczorek, Andrew | aaw8@sfu.ca | Michael Silverman | |
Wu, Tzu-Hui (Winnie) | (778) 782-7141 | wtwu@sfu.ca | Lisa Craig |
Zapf, Richard | (778) 782-3905 |
rzapf@sfu.ca | Tim Audas |
Zeng, Ying | (778) 782-6817 | yzeng@sfu.ca | Mani Larijani |