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- William Hsiao
- Valentin Jaumouillé
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- Dustin King
- Irina Kovalyova
- Mani Larijani
- Amy Lee
- Michel Leroux
- Ryan Morin
- Ingrid Northwood
- Mark Paetzel
- Lynne Quarmby
- Dheva Setiaputra
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- Valentin Jaumouillé and Ryan Morin Receive Faculty of Science Research Awards
- Fiona Brinkman Recognized with Excellence in Science Public Engagement, Communication & Outreach Award
- Lionel Pereira receives Faculty of Science Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
- Scientists develop tool to predict sepsis in apparently healthy newborns
- Dr. Lynne Quarmby, cool new discoveries about Watermelon Snow
- Dr. Valentin Jaumouillé and Dr. Amy Lee, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry researchers receive Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar awards
- Verheyen Lab breakthrough identifies gene that may reverse Parkinson’s disease
- Dr. Ryan Morin has been honored with the Bernard and Francine Dorval Prize from the Canadian Cancer Society
- MBB researchers awarded $2 million in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Dr. Glen Tibbits honoured as Distinguished SFU Professor
- Reflecting on barriers and progress towards equity in science
- Royal Society of Canada bestows Dr. Vocadlo with country’s highest academic honour
- Decoding the genome to predict the clinical course of lymphomas
- 2023 Award for Excellence in Supervision: Esther Verheyen
- In a recent Nature Communications paper, the Audas lab demonstrates that proteins can act as microscopic thermometers to sense and respond to changing environmental conditions
- 2023
- Dr. Dustin King speaks to Molecular Cell about sustainability and molecular biology
- Science Advances paper by new MBB PhD, Casey Engstrom and Professor Lynne Quarmby uses satellites to study the impact of Watermelon Snow on glacier loss in North America
- Dr. Sathiyaseelan and team explore the expression and therapeutic target potential of cysteine protease ATG4 in pancreatic cancer
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Lee Lab
Systems biology of infectious diseases lab, aiming to develop mechanistic insights to the complex interface of host-pathogen interactions that can lead to impactful solutions.
Infectious diseases are 3 of the top 10 leading causes of death globally. In low-income countries, communicable diseases cause more than half of all deaths, especially among vulnerable newborns. In high-income countries such as Canada, infections account for 2-7% of deaths. Bacterial infections are often treatable using antibiotics, but chronic misuse of antibiotics has created a critical global health threat by increasing the presence of antimicrobial resistant organisms, thus further compounding the problem.
Our group is interested in applying systems biology approaches to untangle the dynamic interactions between antimicrobial resistant pathogens and the host by:
(1) understand host immune responses during infection, focusing on the critical area of neonatal sepsis;
(2) characterize how bacterial pathogens can maintain or disseminate antimicrobial resistant genes in diverse environments; and
(3) identify novel virulence or antimicrobial resistance genes in these bacterial pathogens.
For more details on current research projects, visit our research lab website.
Selected Publications
Shannon CP, Blimkie TM, Ben-Othman R, Gladish N, Amenyogbe N, Drissler S, Edgar RD, Chan Q, Krajden M, Foster LJ, Kobor MS, Mohn WW, Brinkman RR, Le Cao KA, Scheuermann RH, Tebbutt SJ, Hancock REW, Koff WC, Kollmann TR, Sadarangani M, Lee AH. Multi-Omic Data Integration Allows Baseline Immune Signatures to Predict Hepatitis B Vaccine Response in a Small Cohort. Front Immunol. 2020 Nov 30;11:578801. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.578801. PMID: 33329547; PMCID: PMC7734088.
Lee AH, Shannon CP, Amenyogbe N, Bennike TB, Diray-Arce J, Idoko OT, Gill EE, Ben-Othman R, Pomat WS, van Haren SD, Cao KL, Cox M, Darboe A, Falsafi R, Ferrari D, Harbeson DJ, He D, Bing C, Hinshaw SJ, Ndure J, Njie-Jobe J, Pettengill MA, Richmond PC, Ford R, Saleu G, Masiria G, Matlam JP, Kirarock W, Roberts E, Malek M, Sanchez-Schmitz G, Singh A, Angelidou A, Smolen KK; EPIC Consortium, Brinkman RR, Ozonoff A, Hancock REW, van den Biggelaar AHJ, Steen H, Tebbutt SJ, Kampmann B, Levy O, Kollmann TR. Dynamic molecular changes during the first week of human life follow a robust developmental trajectory. Nat Commun. 2019 Mar 12;10(1):1092. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08794-x. PMID: 30862783; PMCID: PMC6414553.
Ng S, Strunk T, Lee AH, Gill EE, Falsafi R, Woodman T, Hibbert J, Hancock REW, Currie A. Whole blood transcriptional responses of very preterm infants during late-onset sepsis. PLoS One. 2020 Jun 1;15(6):e0233841. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233841. PMID: 32479514; PMCID: PMC7263612