- About
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- Tim Audas
- Christopher Beh
- Lorena Braid
- Fiona S.L. Brinkman
- Mark Brockman
- Jonathan Choy
- Lisa Craig
- Sharon Gorski
- Nicholas Harden
- Nancy Hawkins
- Robert Holt
- William Hsiao
- Valentin Jaumouillé
- Lisa Julian
- Dustin King
- Irina Kovalyova
- Mani Larijani
- Amy Lee
- Michel Leroux
- Ryan Morin
- Ingrid Northwood
- Mark Paetzel
- Lynne Quarmby
- Dheva Setiaputra
- Michael Silverman
- Sophie Sneddon
- Glen Tibbits
- Peter Unrau
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- 2025
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- Valentin Jaumouillé and Ryan Morin Receive Faculty of Science Research Awards
- Fiona Brinkman Recognized with Excellence in Science Public Engagement, Communication & Outreach Award
- Lionel Pereira receives Faculty of Science Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
- Scientists develop tool to predict sepsis in apparently healthy newborns
- Dr. Lynne Quarmby, cool new discoveries about Watermelon Snow
- Dr. Valentin Jaumouillé and Dr. Amy Lee, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry researchers receive Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar awards
- Verheyen Lab breakthrough identifies gene that may reverse Parkinson’s disease
- Dr. Ryan Morin has been honored with the Bernard and Francine Dorval Prize from the Canadian Cancer Society
- MBB researchers awarded $2 million in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Dr. Glen Tibbits honoured as Distinguished SFU Professor
- Reflecting on barriers and progress towards equity in science
- Royal Society of Canada bestows Dr. Vocadlo with country’s highest academic honour
- Decoding the genome to predict the clinical course of lymphomas
- 2023 Award for Excellence in Supervision: Esther Verheyen
- In a recent Nature Communications paper, the Audas lab demonstrates that proteins can act as microscopic thermometers to sense and respond to changing environmental conditions
- 2023
- Dr. Dustin King speaks to Molecular Cell about sustainability and molecular biology
- Science Advances paper by new MBB PhD, Casey Engstrom and Professor Lynne Quarmby uses satellites to study the impact of Watermelon Snow on glacier loss in North America
- Dr. Sathiyaseelan and team explore the expression and therapeutic target potential of cysteine protease ATG4 in pancreatic cancer
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Jaumouillé Lab
Our laboratory use quantitative microscopy approaches to study the role of mechanical forces, cytoskeleton and membrane dynamics in the innate immune response to microbial infections and cancer.
Fighting against infections and cancers is a physical task. Many steps of the immune responses require force generation by leukocytes: recruitment to the sites of inflammation, killing by phagocytosis or degranulation, migration to and from secondary lymphoid organs, antigen discrimination. Moreover, immune cell responses are largely affected by the mechanical properties of their tissue environment. Our lab works at the interface of immunology, cell biology, biophysics and microbiology. We are studying how immune cells generate and sense mechanical forces using quantitative approaches based on high-resolution live cell microscopy. We are particularly interested in molecular dynamics involved in plasma membrane-cytoskeleton interactions and how they impact immune functions of professional phagocytes.
Lab Room:
SSB 6120
Lab Phone:
(778) 782-4090
Office Room:
SSB 7144
Office Phone:
(778) 782-5658
Selected Publications
- Walpole GFW, Plumb JP, Chung D, Tang B, Boulay B, Osborne DG, Piotrowski JT, Catz SD, Billadeau DD, Grinstein S and Jaumouillé V. Inactivation of Rho GTPases by Burkholderia cenocepacia induces a WASH-mediated actin polymerization that delays phagosome maturation. Cell Rep, 2020, 31:107721
- Jaumouillé V and Waterman CM. Physical constraints and forces involved in phagocytosis. Front Immunol, 2020, 11:1097
- Jaumouillé V, Cartagena-Rivera AX and Waterman CM. Coupling of β2 integrins to actin by a mechanosensitive molecular clutch drives complement receptor-mediated phagocytosis. Nat Cell Biol, 2019, 3: 1357-69
- Wong HS, Jaumouillé V, Freeman SA, Doodnauth SA, Schlam D, Canton J, Mukovozov IM, Saric A, Grinstein S and Robinson LA. Chemokine signaling enhances CD36 responsiveness towards oxidized low-density lipoproteins and accelerates foam cell formation. Cell Rep, 2016, 14: 2859-71
- Freeman SA, Jaumouillé V, Choi K, Hsu BE, Wong WS, Abraham L, Graves ML, Coombs D, Roskelley CD, Das R, Grinstein S and Gold MR. Toll-like receptor ligands sensitize B-cell receptor signaling by reducing actin-dependent spatial confinement of the receptor. Nat Commun, 2015, 6: 6168
- Jaumouillé V, Farkash Y, Jaqaman K, Das R, Lowell CA and Grinstein S. Actin cytoskeleton reorganization by Syk regulates Fcγ receptor responsiveness by increasing its lateral mobility and clustering. Dev Cell, 2014, 29: 534-46