Jan Marontate

Associate Professor | Associate Director

Jan Marontate, Hon. B.A. (Sociology and Urban Studies, York U.), M.Sc.(Demography, U. Montréal) and Ph.D. (U. Montréal) is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University. Before she joined the School of Communication in 2006, she held a Canada Research Chair in Technology and Culture at Acadia University in Nova Scotia (1998-2006). Dr. Marontate’s current research focuses on arts networks, cultural heritage institutions, collective memory, changing forms of creative work, technological innovation and trans-disciplinary collaboration. She has served on the board of arts international research groups.

E: jmaronta@sfu.ca
Room: K8655

Critical Ethnography and Digital Heritage Initiative

Currently Teaching


Works in Progress

  • Artists, Paintmakers, Conservators and Chemists: Technical Information-Sharing Networks and Innovations in 20th-century Painting Materials. Series in the History of Business and Technology (ed.  Philip Scranton, Rutgers), John’s Hopkins University Press.

Works Accepted for Publication

  • with co-authors Megan Robertson and Nathan Clarkson "Acoustic Communication in Mnemonic Narratives and Documentation of the Audible Past", in Anna Lisa Tota (ed). International Handbook of Memory Studies, Routledge.

Refereed Articles, Book Chapters, and Theses

  • "Strategies for Studying Multiple Meanings in Conservation Research",  special issue edited by Isabelle Brajer on "Conservation: cultures and connections". CeROArt (Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'objets d'art.)[ | 2013, on-line 30 octobre 2013.URL : http://ceroart.revues.org/3560.
  • "War, Transatlantic Politics and the Origins of International Initiatives for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage", Proceedings of the International Forum on Cultural Politics and Cultural Policies, VII International conference on Cultural Policy Research, Centre for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS), University of Barcelona and International Sociological Association, Barcelona,  held on 9-12 July 2012. Published on-line November 6, 2012. http://www.iccpr2012.org/proceedings/index.php?option=com_docman&task=search_result&Itemid=43
  • "La Nouvelle-Écosse : Clientélisme, militantisme et soutien provincial aux Arts et aux Cultures fondatrices" in Gattinger, M. and Saint-Pierre, Diane (ed.)Les politiques culturelles provinciales et territoriales du Canada. Origines, évolutions et mises en œuvre. Québec, Presses de Laval; Université Laval. 2011 pp. 105-153.
  • “Public or private? Sharing audio-visual documentation of the arts-in-action” in Anna Lisa Tota (ed.) Culture and the Making of Worlds. Milan: U. Bocconi, 2011.
  • with co-author Catherine Murray. "Neoliberalism in Provincial Cultural Policy Narratives: Perspectives from Two Coasts." Canadian Journal of Communication, 25(2), 2010.
  • “Controversies as Sites of Conflict and Collaboration:  Insights from Sociology of the Arts”, in Ann Denis and Devorah Kalekin-Fishman (ed.) The New ISA Handbook of Contemporary Sociology: Conflict, Competition, Cooperation.Sage Publications.  2009.
  • “Academic Discourse in French”, in Angela Chambers (ed.) Oxford Text Archive, 2009. University of Oxford Press.  “Les rapports d’appartenance et l’art contemporain en région périphérique:   une réflexion sur les stratégies de diffusion en Nouvelle-Écosse).
  • "La science au service de l’art: la transformation des principes de préservation du patrimoine artistique au musée, 1930-2004", in Florent Gaudez, Sociologie des arts, sociologie des sciences, Tome 11, Paris : Harmattan. 2007 pp. 223-239.
  • “Trans-disciplinary Communication and the Field of Contemporary Art Conservation: Questions of Mission and Constraint”, Techne. Revue scientifique du service de la recherche et de la restauration des musées de France, 2006, No. 26, pp. 11-18.
  • “Rethinking Permanence and Change in Contemporary Cultural Preservation Strategies”, Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Winter 2005, 34(4): 285-306.
  •  “Museums and the constitution of collective memory”, in Mark Jacobs and Nancy Hanrahan (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Culture. Blackwell Publishing: Somerset, 2005, pp 286-302.  
  • “Digital Recording and the Reconfiguration of Music as Performance”, American Behavioral Scientist, July 2005 48(11): 1422-1439.
  • "Le vécu inattendu comme défi au statut artistique de l’œuvre :  l’art public non controversé” in Alain Pessin (ed) Les non-publics.  Les arts en réception(s). Paris : L’Harmattan, 2004, V. II, pp. 49-67.
  • “Technical Standards and Institutionalization Processes in New Deal Art Projects”. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society. Winter 2004, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 281-298.
  • “Digital technologies and contemporary career strategies in Atlantic Canada: A case study of young musicians and audio technicians”, Proceedings, Conference on New Media Research Networks, organized by Arts-Netlantic, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, March 26-27, 2004, pp. 76-82.
  •  “Sociology of Art” A. and J. Kuper (eds.) Social Science Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition. New York: Routledge, 2003, pp. 37-42.
  • “Les rapports d’appartenance aux lieux de création et l’art contemporain en région périphérique:le cas de la Nouvelle-écosse (1992-2002)”. Sociologie et Sociétés. Fall 2002, Vol. 34(1): 139-161.
  • “Student Web Pages as Technologies of the Self ” in Proceedings of the Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, Volume 5, 2001, pp. 57-68.
  • “Singularities and the Sociological Imagination: On Nathalie Heinich’s Sociology of the Arts”. Boekmancahier (for Studies in Cultural Policy). June 2001, Vol. 13 (48): 210-229.
  • “Réseaux de création-médiation loin de l’oeil du public. Sur les collaborations techniques en arts plastiques”, Revue de Sociologie de l’art, 2001, Vol. 12: 67-89.
  • "Les outils d'ailleurs et l'art de chez nous:  trois plasticiens sur la circulation des savoirs techniques", in Guy Bellavance (ed.) Monde et réseaux de l'art : Diffusion, migration et cosmopolitisme en art contemporain, Montréal: Liber, 2000, pp. 78-92.
  • “Réseaux de partage des savoirs techniques et pratiques artistiques: la conception et l’appropriation de médiums synthétiques en Amérique du nord (c. 1930-1998)”, Techne. La science au service de la culture et des civilisations, no. 8, 1999, pp. 45-60, colour plate VIII.
  • "L'anti-prix comme acte social: vers une esthétique de la subversion" in Majastre, Jean-Olivier and Alain Pessin (ed.),  Du Canular dans l'art et la littérature.  Quatrièmes rencontres internationales de sociologie de l'Art de Grenoble in the series Logiques Sociales. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1999, pp.169-188.
  • “De historische ontwikkeling van acrylverven”. KM Magazin. October 1998. pp. 6-18.
  • “Modern Art: Who Cares?”, Boekmancahier (for Studies in Cultural Policy) Vol. 9, n. 34 December 1997, pp. 407-419.
  • "Technical Innovation and Modernist Ideologies",  Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society,  25:2, Summer 1995, pp. 93-109.
  • "Materials and Meanings" McKay-Lodge Conservation Report,  Issue 7, Fall 1994, pp 1-3, 16-17.
  • "Territoire et souches :  La place étonnante des histoires inventées dans la cartographie post-moderne",  La revue Possibles,  16: 2, Spring 1992. pp. 90-97.

Refereed Edited Volumes

  • Guest editorship with co-editor Volker Kirchberg, thematic issue of Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society “Institutionalization in the arts: Lessons from the Twentieth Century” 33(4) Winter 2004, 99 pages.
  • Guest editorship with co-editor Alain Quemin, thematic issue of Sociologie et Société on “Arts, réseaux et territoire”. XXXIV(2), automne 2002, 244 pages.

Book Reviews

  • Jeffrey C. Alexander, Bernhard Giessen and Jason L. Mast, Social Performance: Symbolic Action, Cultural Pragmatics, and RitualCanadian Journal of Sociology Online, July - August 2007.
  •  “Sociologists Examine Art and Media” International Sociological Review of Books, 2006, Volume 22(2) pp. 1-11.
  • Michèle Lamont and Laurent Thevenot, eds., Rethinking Comparative Cultural Sociology: Repertoires of Evaluation in France and the United States.' Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, July - August 2001.
  • Sabine Chalvon-Demersay, (trans. Teresa L. Fagan).  A Thousand Screenplays.  The French Imagination in a Time of Crisis.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999 " Canadian Journal of Sociology (CJS) Online Jan.-Feb., 2000

Technical Monographs and Reports

  • “Art-Technical Collaborations in 20th Century Art Worlds: Artists, Artists “Colormen: and the Chemical Industry”, Chemical Heritage. Newsletter of the Chemical Heritage Foundation. Summer 2005, Vol. 23, No. 2: 30-31.
  • “Ideas in Residence: Creative Dislocations. Sense of place and digital connections in the rural landscape”. Final Report on Institutional Grant for Daniel Langlois Foundation for art, technology and science. Author, with Jennifer Bolt (and technical assistance from the Acadia Institute for Teaching Technology). Submitted January 2004. 30 pages of text plus 2 DVDs of 11 videotaped interviews and 1 audio-taped interview, 10 CDs of artworks and websites produced for the project and appendices with publicity and media coverage.
  • (with Shanthi Johnson). Report on Teaching Innovation and Improvement Activities, “Rethinking “Research Methods for the 21st Century: Using New Technologies for Teaching Applied Research Methodology” in the Arts and Science Faculties. Report for V.P. Academic. Acadia University. 2003.
  • "Caractéristiques sociales et pratiques culturelles du public montréalais des musées".  (Social Characteristics and Cultural Practices of the Montreal Museum-Going Public), with co-author Marcel Fournier. A monograph commissioned by the Musée de la Civilisation in Quebec City and the Quebec Ministry of Cultural Affairs for publication in the series "Cahiers du Musée de la civilisation". Submitted in April 1992. 117 pp.
  • Eléments de la Formation au Recensement de la Population.   Monograph on training and techniques for census representatives published  by the General Secretariat of the Central African Customs and Economic Union with the collaboration of the Demographic Project of the Regional Technical Office, United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Office of Technical Cooperation.  New York, N.Y. and Bangui, Central African Republic.  January, 1976.  285 pages.  (with co-author, Guido Conings).
  • Vers un nouveau système d'Etat Civil :  le cas du Cameroun.  Monograph on methods for vital registration statistics based on incomplete data published in a series of documents by l'Union Douanière et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale (Bangui) and International Development Research Centre (Ottawa). Yaoundé, Cameroun.  November 1974. (with co-author Sylvère Looky).
  • Vers un nouveau système d'Etat Civil :  le cas du Cameroun.  Monograph on methods for vital registration statistics based on incomplete data published in a series of documents by l'Union Douanière et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale (Bangui) and International Development Research Centre (Ottawa). Yaoundé, Cameroun.  November 1974. (with co-author Sylvère Looky). 

Unrefereed Journal Articles and Newsletters

  • “International Perspectives”, in Holt, William G. (editor). Sociology of Culture Teaching Guide,American Sociological Association 3rd Edition. 2006, pp. 280-285.
  • Translator of article by Bruno Pequignot. “Sociology of Art and Culture in France. An overview of its origins” Newsletter of the Sociology of Culture Section of the American Sociological Association. Volume 20 (1), pp. 1, 5-7 plus Part II in website supplement.
  • “Virtual Communities”, (English and French versions). The Atlantic Cultural Space: New Directions in Heritage and the Arts. New Brunswick Arts Board, 2005 pp. 31-34.
  • “Introduction” with co-author Volker Kirchberg of a special issue on ‘Institutionalization in the Arts:  Lessons from the Twentieth Century’ for the Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society published through George Mason University, Winter 2004.  33: 4, Winter 2004, pp. 259-263. (50% contribution).
  • “Présentation”, with co-author Alain Quemin of thematic issue of Sociologie et Sociétés  on “Les territories de l’art”. Sociologie et Sociétés. No. 2, Fall 2003, pp.15-41. (70% contribution).

Other Media

  • Three-Part Television Mini-Series (INE) Public Outreach Project “SoundStories” in partnership with Johanne Gallant, Mary-Elizabeth Luka (CBC-Artspots) and B. Diamond (MUN).
  • “Just Friends” video in SoundStories series for broadcasting on CBC Television (ArtSpots) with Johanne Gallant, Mary-Elizabeth Luka (CBC-Artspots) and Bev Diamond (Centre for the Study of Music, Media and Place, Memorial University of Newfoundland. 2007.
  • “Lori Clarke” video in SoundStories series for broadcasting on CBC Television (ArtSpots) with Johanne Gallant, Mary-Elizabeth Luka (CBC-Artspots) and Bev Diamond (Centre for the Study of Music, Media and Place, Memorial University of Newfoundland. 2007.
  • “Liz Solo” video in SoundStories series for broadcasting on CBC Television (ArtSpots) with Johanne Gallant, Mary-Elizabeth Luka (CBC-Artspots) and Bev Diamond (Centre for the Study of Music, Media and Place, Memorial University of Newfoundland. 2007.

Conference Papers and Invited Lectures

  • "The arts in 'times of trouble'" and "The arts as affordances for action, affect and cognition", World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Yokohama, Japan, July 2014. (Session organizer and chair)
  • "When art worlds look to sociology for inspiration: A case study of contemporary art conservation strategies", World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Yokohama, Japan, July 2014.
  • "New Media as Cultural Heritage: Contemporary Conservation Strategies for the Visual and Performing Arts", 39th annual international conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, October 2013.
  • "Analysing Incommensurable Values in Contemporary Art Documentation:  Insights from Cultural Sociology", meeting organized by the research project  Documentation of Contemporary Art and the Network for Conservation of Contemporary Art Research (NeCCAR) on "Performing Documentation in the Conservation of Contemporary Art", Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal, 20-21 June 2013.
  • "Strategies for Studying Multiple Meanings in Conservation Research", Interim meeting of the International Council of Museums' Conservation Committee (ICOM-CC) "Conservation: Cultures and Connections." National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 15-17 May 2013.
  •  "What can Popular Music Heritage Preservationists learn from Conservation Strategies for New Media Art?", DYI Music Heritage: On and Off Line, Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Memory & Cultural Identity, POPid HERA Project (Humanities in the European Research Area), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands. January 2013. (Invited Speaker, Closing Plenary)
  • "Strategies for Studying Multiple Meanings in Conservation Research", Interim meeting of the International Council of Museums' Conservation Committee (ICOM-CC) "Conservation: Cultures and Connections.", National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 15-17 May 2013.
  • "Archiving and Preserving Popular Music", Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Memory & Cultural Identity, POPid HERA Project (Humanities in the European Research Area), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, January 2013. (Chair and discussant)
  • with co-author Megan Robertson, "Qualitative Interviews in Soundscape Studies", Acoustic Communication and Soundscape Design, Green College, University of British Columbia, September 2012.
  • with co-authors, D. Murphy, M. Robertson, N. Clarkson, Maggie Chao.  Poster: "Aural Memories: A Case Study of Soundscape Archives", UNESCO Memory of the World in the Digital Age Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 26-28, 2012.
  • "Art's New Promise: Emancipation, Empowerment, Enlightenment, or is it just Economics?", Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, "Real Utopias", Denver, Colorado, August 2012. (Invited Panelist)
  • "From Noise to Soundscape Composition: Artistic & Social Scientific Dimensions of Acoustic Ecology". Session on "Art as research tool: Visual, sound and sensory methodologies", International Sociological Association Second World Forum, Buenos Aires, July 1-4. 2012.
  • with co-author Megan Robertson. "Sounding the Archive: Examining the History of the World Soundscape Archive", International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (ICHORA 6), University of Texas at Austin, August 2012.
  • "Uses and Misuses of the Arts" and "Artists in Social Networks" Sessions, Research Committee 37, International Sociological Association Second World Forum, Buenos Aires, July 1-4. 2012. (Chair)
  • "Heritagization II", International conference on Cultural Policy Research, Centre for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS), University of Barcelona and International Sociological AssociationBarcelona,  9-12 July 2012. (Chair)
  • "War, Transatlantic Politics and the Origins of International Initiatives for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage", Cultural Politics and Cultural Policies, VII International conference on Cultural Policy Research, Centre for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS), University of Barcelona and International Sociological Association, Barcelona, 9-12 July 2012.
  • with co-author Dave Murphy, "Listening and Value Systems: Towards an Axiology of Soundscape Documentation"Public Ethnography Conference, "Connecting New Genres, New Media, New Audiences", University of Victoria, BC, June, 2012.
  • "Carrières artistiques II" Penser l'incertain, XIXe Congrès de l'Association internationale des sociologues de langue française, École Mohammadia d'ingénieurs, Rabat, Morocco, 2-6 July 2012. (Chair and discussant)
  • "Entre pluralisme et nouvelles normes: les réseaux interdisciplinaires et la transformation des principes de préservation du patrimoine artistique a l'ére du numérique", Colloque 355 sur les "Transformations des pratiques culturelle a  l'ère du numérique:  Nouvelles technologies, nouveaux publics?", Congrès de l'Association canadienne pour l'avancement des sciences, Montréal, May 2012.
  • "Soundscape Recordings as Memories of the Audible Past?" "The Arts of Memory", New School for Social Research, New York City, April, 2012.
  • "Trading Zones:  Strategies for the Study of Artists and their Art-Making Practices, College Art Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, February22-25, 2012. (Session organizer and discussant with co-organizer Francesca Bewer)
  • with co-author Dave Murphy, "Listening and Value Systems: Towards an Axiology of Soundscape Documentation", World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, Ionian University, Corfu, October 2011.
  • "Listening with Technology: Soundscape Recording as Affordance and Performance". Acoustic Communication and Soundscape Design, Green College, University of British Columbia, September 16, 2011.
  • "From Noise to New Music: Soundscapes as Trading Zones" FCAT Faculty Forum, February 2010.
  • "La sociologie par l'image", (Conference on Visual Sociology), GdR Sociologie de l'art, Association internationale des sociologues de langue française and GdR OPuS (Centre national de recherche scientifique, France), Université Libre de Bruxelles, "Reflets dans un oeil de sociologue : statut et usages du visuel en sociologie ou la sociologie par l'image", Brussels, October 2010.
  • "Public or Private? Sharing audio-visual documentation of the arts-in-action". "Culture and the Making of Worlds", European Sociological Association Culture Research Network Interim Meeting, University Bocconi, Milan, Italy, October 2010.
  • "Electro-Acoustic Music and Creative Appropriations of Sonic Memories of the World". World Congress of the European Sociological Association, Lisbon, September 2009.
  • Advances in Cultural Theory, Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 2009. (Chair)
  • "From Noise Pollution to Sonic Environments: Changing Attitudes to Sound in Public Places", Referred Roundtable on Space and Place, Culture SectionAnnual Meeting of the American Sociological Assocciation, San Francisco, August 2009.
  • "Sustainable Creative Work and Community Well-being in Culture-led, Place-based Urban Regeneration Strategies", Space and Place roundtable, Section on Sociology of Culture Refereed Roundtable Session, Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August 2008.
  • "La reconfiguration du lien social dans les mondes de l'art contemporain : Une étude de cas", World Congress of the International Association for French-speaking Sociologists (Congrès de l'Association internationale des sociologues de Langue Française), Istanbul, 7-11 Juillet 2008.
  • with co-author Catherine Murray, ‘Challenges to Neo-liberal Theory:  Perspectives from Two Coasts’, Joint session for ACCUTE, CPSA and CCA Neoliberalism and Provincial Cultural Industries Development, Annual Conference of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Council, Vancouver, June 2008.
  •  “Sustainable Creative Work and Community Well-being in Culture-led, Place-based Urban Regeneration Strategies”.  Culture Section Roundtables.  Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, August 2008.


School of Communication

  • Committee Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2014 - present.
  • Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee (School of Communication), 2007 - 2010; 2013-2014.
  • Chair, Search Committee (School of Communication), 2012.
  • Committee Member, Graduate Studies Committee (School of Communication), January 2007 - September 2012.
  • Director's Advisory Group, May 2009 - May 2011.
  • Chair, Graduate Studies Committee (School of Communication), May 2009 - 2011.
  • Committee Member and Minute-Taker, Consultative Committee on the Reappointment of the Director of the School of Communication, 2006-7.

Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology and University

  • Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Representative.  Senate Undergraduate Academic Awards Committee (SUAAC), May 2013-current.
  • Member, College of Reviewers, National Centre of Excellence on The Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS), April 2009-current.
  • Director, Centre of the Study of Print and Media Culture, September 2011-February 2013.
  • Steering Committee Member, Centre for the Study of Print and Media Cultures, August 2006 - February 2013.
  • Board Member, Centre for Policy Studies on Culture and Communities, August 2007 - January 2012.
  • Committee Member, Graduate Studies Committee (Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology), May 2009 - 2011.
  • Committee Member, SSHRC Doctoral and Master's Grant Adjudication Sub-Committee, December 2009 - 2011.
  • Faculty Representative, Senate Standing Committee to Review University Admssions (CRUA), 2008-2010.
  • Member, University Research Ethics Board, 2009.

Editorial Review and Evaluation

  • Contributions to Cultural Sociology, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Organizational Theory Division), Sociologie et Société, Journal of the American Institute of Conservation, Blackwell Publishers, Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal, and others.

Executive Service

  • International Sociological Association (Sociology of Art Research Committee 37), Vice President, 1998-2002, President, 2002-2006, Vice-President 2006-present. 
  • International Sociological Association. Member of Organizing Committees, World Congresses of Sociology, 2006 (Durban), 2010 (Gothenburg), 2014 (Yokohama, and three interim meetings.)  
  • Association Internationale de sociologues de langue française (AISLF), Board Member (membre du bureau), Comité de recherche 18 “sociologie des arts”, 2004-2012. Comité scientifique, Congrès mondial de l'AISLF 2008 (Istanbul), et 2012 (Rabat).  Scientific Committee member for interim meetings in 2006 (Toulouse), 2010 (Brussels), 2014 (Montreal).
  • European Sociological Association, Sociology of the Arts Research Network Board Member and North American Representative, 1999-2003, 2005-7.
  • American Sociological Association, Culture Section nominating committee member, 2001-2002, Theory Section Membership Committee, 2013-14.
  • Canadian Cultural Research Network (secretary 2001-2002, board member 2000-2003)  

    Other Memberships

  • Association Canadienne des Sociologues et Anthropologues de Langue Française
  • Association Canadienne-Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences
  • College Art Association
  • Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire Art, Culture et Société (RIACS)
  • International Council of Museums (UNESCO)
  • International Association for the Study of Popular Music
  • Society for the History of Technology
  • Universities Art Association of Canada

Other Service to the Profession

  • SSHRC 2001-2014 Various competitions - roles include External Assesor, External Evaluator, and Committee Member.
  • Committee member, Grant adjudication committee, Fonds québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture,  Programme d’action concertée sur «Le développement des entreprises et des organismes dans le secteur culturel au Québec». 2006.
  • Scientific Program Assessment, European Science Foundation, March 2006.
  • British Council Researcher Exchange Programme Assessment, November 2006.
  • Major Collaborative Research Initiatives (MCRI) assessment, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, fall 2006.
  • External Assessor, European Science Foundation Standing Committee for the Humanities, 2005 Programmes.  Winter 2005-06.
  • External Evaluator, John and Carolyn MacArthur Foundation, 2004-05.
  • External Evaluator.  Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide à la recherche,  Quebec Government. 1999-2000.


Cultural heritage preservation strategies and new media

This research concerns challenges presented by today’s rapidly changing technologies and new creative practices for the preservation of historic, scientific and artistic work as cultural heritage.  Recent and contemporary creative practices in both the arts and the sciences such as those using digital technologies involve unstable media and hardware.  What new approaches are being developed to document and preserve records of new techno-cultural practices and the works created with them for future generations? Here the focus is on the design of culturally appropriate, scientifically informed and economically sustainable strategies suited to community-based cultural heritage projects.

Networks of technical collaboration, innovation and cultural recognition processes

My research activities in this area focus on case studies of trans-disciplinary collaboration related to various forms of technical innovation.  One case study examines the development and appropriation of new recording technologies.  Another focuses on collaboration between cultural heritage professionals, artists, scientists and other forms of experts in the creation and preservation of new forms of material culture and documentation of performance. Specifically my work studies the development of international standards and guidelines for best practices in areas related to digital media in multidisciplinary organizations working in materials science (particularly on plastics and other synthetic media), computer science (parameters for open source software developments related to digital audio-visual media), and engineering.

Collective Memory, Public Discourse and the Arts

Contemporary trans-national movements characterized by hybrid cultural practices have given rise to social networks with diverse aesthetic and ideological commitments that are re-configuring global communications. This research examines the place of Do-It-Yourself preservationists and popular culture in connection with global public discourse and trans-national practices.  My work in this area focuses specifically on how the arts shape and reshape public memories, reconfigure spaces within civil society, redefine individual and collective identities, engage with displaced communities, and invent traditions that transcend boundaries, creating new alliances. My research on international initiatives for the preservation of built and movable cultural heritage in conflict zones addresses interests in this area.

Selected Research Grants

Critical Ethnography and Digital Heritage Initiative (2014-2019) 

Principal Applicant              Co-applicant Kate Hennessy, School of Interactive Art and Technology, Simon Fraser University     

Funding: Canada Foundation for Innovation, BC Government and SFU matching funds

The Critical Ethnography and Digital Heritage Initiative (CEDHI) is dedicated to designing innovative methods for safeguarding cultural heritage resources using digital technologies. With dedicated laboratory space with the School of Communication at SFU’s Burnaby campus, the CEDHI will respond to the urgent need for new strategies to document, preserve and control access to cultural heritage resources in art worlds and Indigenous communities. This university-based facility will be unique in Western Canada, with its emphasis on innovations in ethnographic research methodologies that integrate contemporary approaches to sound recording, visual imaging, and 3-D image modelling. Digital information management will remain a key issue in the 21st century. This research will develop protocols and content management systems so community-based groups, private sector entrepreneurs, and public sector organizations can undertake economically sustainable and culturally meaningful initiatives in the digital era.

Popular Music as a Resource in the New Economy (2013-2014)

Principal Investigator

Funding: Griffith University-SFU University Collaboration Funds  

Support for preliminary research and travel for collaboration on new research projects with Dr. Andy Bennett, Director, Centre for Cultural Research, Griffith University

New Media as Cultural Heritage: Contemporary Art Conservation as Social Mediation (2011-2014)

Principal Investigator

Funding: SSHRC Standard Grant

Rapidly changing art-making practices present formidable challenges for people attempting to preserve memories of today for tomorrow. The study examines contemporary strategies for the preservation of cultural heritage in digital (or electronic) media and other “time-based” media—such as practices using ephemeral materials, performance-based processes or technologies that rapidly become obsolete. The research focuses on a study of initiatives devoted to rethinking strategies for collecting, preserving and ensuring public accessibility to ethnographic and artistic work in time-based media.
 The study seeks to contribute to debates about the interplay between technology and culture in mediation processes involving human and non-human ‘actors’, and to identify new ways of thinking about connections between people and things, and between our culture and others, past and present.

Listening with Technology: Transformations in the Study of Sonic Environments (2010-2013)

Principal Investigator

Co-investigators: Barry Truax and David Murphy, Simon Fraser University

Funding: SSHRC Image, Text, Sound and Technology Strategic Grant

This research program investigates strategies for the preservation of documentation about environmental sound focusing on a case study of the World Soundscape Project (WSP). Research activities include analysis of the existing WSP collection, digitization of archival materials, interviews with past and current members of the WSP team, and the creation of the third series of field recordings of the Vancouver soundscape.

New Directions in Ethnographic Audio Preservation and Research: A Case Study of the World Soundscape Project (2009-2011)

Principal Investigator

Funding: SSHRC

This case study examines the existing archive of the World Soundscape Project (WSP) to gain insight into the affordances and limitations involved in transforming media archives from one format to another specifically relating to a collection of audio material that spans four decades.

Visualization Design for Creative Workspaces and Planning: Study of The Culture Crawl in Vancouver (2009)

Principal Investigator

Funding: MITACS Accelerate and Vancity

Contested Spaces, Cultural Networks and Sustainable Communities: Sense of Place and Dislocation in Urban Regeneration Strategies (2008-2010)

Principal Investigator

Funding: SSHRC (Discovery Parks SFU/SSHRC)

Digital Technologies and Musical Diversity:  New Entrepreneurial Models (2006-2007)

Principal Applicant

Co-applicant: Beverley Diamond, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Funding: SSHRC Initiative on the New Economy (INE) Public Outreach Grant

Partnering with CBC Producer Mary-Elizabeth Luka and technical consultants at CBC, Acadia University, and Memorial University of Newfoundland to produce a series of profiles, "Soundstories," for CBC Artspots on Canadian musicians, composers and technicians, who use digital technology in innovative ways.

La constitution du patrimoine culturel: questions et débats autour de la préservation des œuvres d’art récent (2004-2006)

Principal Investigator

Co-investigators: Francine Couture, Université du Québec à Montréal and Véronique Rodriguez, Collège Ahuntsic

Funding: SSHRC Research Development Initiative

Collaborting with archivists, curators, and conservators at Fondation Daniel Langlois, National Gallery of Canada, and Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec this research examines how cultural heritage professionals share knowledge in order to preserve contemporary art.

Critical Ethnography and Digital Heritage Initiative

The Critical Ethnography and Digital Heritage Initiative (CEDHI) is dedicated to designing innovative methods for safeguarding cultural heritage resources using digital technologies. With dedicated laboratory space with the School of Communication at SFU’s Burnaby campus, the CEDHI will respond to the urgent need for new strategies to document, preserve and control access to cultural heritage resources in art worlds and Indigenous communities. 

Faculty: Jan Marontate
