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December 5, 2017
NAME: Suzan Efata
TITLE: Examination of the Use of Mobile Health Technology in Improving Maternal and Child Health Outcomes: The Sustainability and Scale-up Potential in Limited Resource Settings
December 4, 2017
NAME: Dana Krementz
TITLE: Connections with the Land: Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Interviews with Community Organizations that Host Land-Based Cultural Wellness Retreats for Indigenous People Living with HIV and/or HCV
September 18, 2017
NAME: Jennifer Emily Larkin
TITLE: Risk Factors Associated with Mental Health Problems in New and Expectant Fathers in High-income Countries: A Critical Literature Review
August 17, 2017
NAME: Patricia Mahecha
TITLE: Health Change Lab: Community and Academia Working Together to Find Solutions to Complex Public Health Issues: An Experience at Simon Fraser University
August 16, 2017
NAME: Amelia Douglas
TITLE: Climate Change and Risk for Human Toxoplasmosis in Canada's North: Public Health Recommendations
August 14, 2017
NAME: Ziaotong Huang
TITLE: Chronic Disease Registries: Does Including Previous Diagnosis of Chronic Disease Improve the Predictive Performance of Case-Mix System on Predicting Heath Care Spending?
NAME: Karyll Magtibay
TITLE: Assessing Partnerships for Action on Chronic Disease Prevention in the Fraser Health Region
NAME: Kelsey Van Pelt
TITLE: Cannabis Impairment in the Workplace: A Jurisdictional Analysis of Drug Testing Policies and Recommendations in the Context of Canadian Legalization and Regulation
August 11, 2017
NAME: Pinithi Jayasundara
TITLE: It's Not Only Learning English: An Investigation into the Challenges and Opportunities for "Fitting in" at University for EAL International Students
NAME: Kehinde Ametepee
TITLE: TWO-EYED SEEING: Exploring the Integration of Indigenous Notions of Health and Wellness into Population Health Approaches to Address the Prevalence of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Indigenous Communities
August 10, 2017
NAME: Nicole Toffelmire
TITLE: Best Practices to Strengthen the Human Security of Displaced Syrian Women and Girls
NAME: Razaz Agaban
TITLE: Oral Health Disparities and the Underutilization of Dental Services by Refugees in Canada
August 9, 2017
NAME: Nausheen Saeed
TITLE: Breastfeeding Experiences of Immigrant Women in Canada
August 3, 2017
NAME: Owanari Kingson
TITLE: Online Counseling Service for Survivors of Sexual Assault in British Columbia: A Business Case
August 2, 2017
NAME: Christina Myrick
TITLE: Cervical Cancer Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Realist Review
NAME: Nahal Torabi
TITLE: Exploring Provider-Level Factors in the Patient-Provider Relationship that Affect the Provision of Adequate Care to Ethnic Minorities and Provider-Level Strategies to Reduce this Health Care Disparity , with a focus on Indigenous Peoples in Canada
July 28, 2017
NAME: Liheng (Harry) Zhuang
TITLE: Exploring the Phenomenon of Premature Aging in People with Disabilities
July 24, 2017
NAME: Kiranjit Dhesi
TITLE: An Assessment of British Columbia's Response to the Public Health Emergency Involving Opioid
July 18, 2017
NAME: Shazbeen Ali
TITLE: Impact of Patients' Deaths on Healthcare Providers' Emotional Well-being and the Role of Supportive Workplace Strategies
June 20, 2017
NAME: Isla Redhead
TITLE: It is Time to Listen: An Examination of Urban Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention in British Columbia
June 16, 2017
NAME: Chelsea Stunden
TITLE: Bridging the Gap to Stronger Families in British Columbia, Canada
June 13, 2017
NAME: Seon Oh
TITLE: Evaluation of Competence of Route-to-route Extrapolation for Air Quality Guidelines
April 21, 2017
NAME: Bronwyn McBride
TITLE: Negative Consequences of Workplace Inspections for Indoor and Im/migrant Sex Workers: Enhanced Barriers to Health Access among Sex Workers in a Canadian Setting
April 18, 2017
NAME: Farzaneh Mirzaaghaee
TITLE: Night Shift Work and Cancers
April 13, 2017
NAME: Christina Myrick
TITLE: Cervical Cancer Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Realist Review
NAME: Tatum McLeod
TITLE: Cervical Cancer Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Realist Review
NAME: Cynnimon Rain
TITLE: Identifying Public Health Interventions that Improve the Health, Social Well-being, and Quality of Life for People Who Use Drugs (PWUD), to Inform Public Health
April 12, 2017
NAME: Baixue Wang
TITLE: Association between Area-based Socio-economic Deprivation and Neighbourhood Environmental Support for Bicycling in Nine Canadian Cities
NAME: Taylor Fleming
TITLE: DNA on Loan: Indigenous Perspectives on Genetic Research
April 11, 2017
NAME: Louise Smith
TITLE: Promising Practices in After-School Programming for Disadvantaged Children and Youth: A Review of the Literature
NAME: Damilola Ojo
TITLE: Impacts of Aboriginal Early Childhood Development Programs: A Case for the Evaluation of BC First Nations Head Start On-Reserve Programs
NAME: Andrea Bever
TITLE: Cultural Brokers: A Strategy for Promoting Health Equity among Newcomer Women
NAME: Tatiana Popovitskaia
TITLE: Prevention and Elimination of Mistreatment of Women during Childbirth in Health Facilities
NAME: Edrene Dol Cabantog
TITLE: Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Extreme Heat Events among Homeless Populations in BC's Lower Mainland: A Review of Evidence-Based Approaches and Recommendations
NAME: Cheyanne Stones
TITLE: Building Health Equity Capacity at Fraser Health
April 10, 2017
NAME: Annalise Mathers
TITLE: Rhetoric Versus Responsibility: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics and Media Representations Concerning Aid Assistance in Disaster Settings
NAME: Oluwadamilola Akinyemi
TITLE: An Evaluation Proposal for the Downtown Eastside Second Generation Strategy (DTES 2GS) Peer Integration Process
NAME: Farshad Palad
TITLE: Should Low-level Lead Exposure in the Canadian Population be a Primary Concern for Public Health? An Overview of Lead, Its Health Effects, Current Regulation and Recommendations
NAME: Alayna Ewert
TITLE: Fraser Health Authority Supervised Consumption Site Evaluation Plan
NAME: Michael Jonasson
TITLE: A Scoping Review of Gender Analysis in Diabetes and Obesity Research with Urban Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States
NAME: Kiranjit Dhesi
TITLE: An Evaluation of British Columbia's Response to the Opioid Overdose Epidemic
April 7, 2017
NAME: Erin Gormican
TITLE: An Evaluation Framework to Support a Seniors Falls Prevention Initiative in Richmond, BC
April 6, 2017
NAME: Glen Moulton
TITLE: Routine HIV Testing in Primary Care in the United States: Barriers and Facilitators Influencing the Implementation of the CDC's 2006 HIV Testing Guidelines
April 3, 2017
NAME: Megan Striha
TITLE: Invasive Meningococcal Disease Epidemiology in British Columbia, 1998 to 2016