TRI-Agency & Government Awards

SSHRC Talent Award

The Talent Award recognizes exceptional SSHRC-funded researchers and students by celebrating their achievements in research, research training, knowledge mobilization and outreach activities.

See Award Application Tips to learn more about the application process for External/Government Funded Awards.

Deadline to Submit Nomination
Package to Academic Unit:

February 16, 2025

Award Value:

Candidate Eligibility:
Doctoral students or postdoctoral fellows currently holding specific SSHRC funding (see below)

Canadian Graduate Scholarships

The Talent Award can either be:

  • taken up as a fellowship to fund the recipient’s doctoral or postdoctoral research over a one-year period; or  
  • used within one year of receiving the award as a grant to support research, knowledge mobilization or other research-related activities.

At least 10% of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

How to Submit a Nomination

Check eligibility

Confirm that you

Review selection criteria

Challenge – ambition and importance (25%):

  • originality and significance of the body of work within the nominee’s fields of research

Achievements – impact and outcomes (75%):

  • originality and significance of nominee’s body of academic achievement and research, including quality of publications relative to stage of career;
  • evidence of impact of the nominee’s work within their fields of research and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community;
  • nominee’s ability and commitment to communicate research results within and/or beyond the academic community;
  • level of nominee’s engagement with, and quality of training and mentoring provided to, students, emerging scholars and participants, relative to the nominee’s career level; and
  • nominee’s demonstrated potential for leadership and societal contributions within and/or beyond the academic community.

Prepare your nomination package

Email the nomination package, including your full name, student ID, current program, CV, and 1 page of current research work to your Graduate Program Assistant.

For samples of winning applications, visit our Document Library →

Note: only currently enrolled grad student have access.

Competition Timeline (Spring 2025)

February 16
Nominee deadline to submit the full application to Graduate Program Assistant
February 20
SFU Departments/Academic Units forward nomination packages to Graduate Studies ( GS will organize an adjudication committee to review and select one (1) nomination package.
April 1 Deadline for GS to forward the one (1) nomination to SSHRC.