TRI-Agency & Government Awards

SSHRC Talent Award

The Talent Award recognizes exceptional SSHRC-funded researchers and students by celebrating their achievements in research, research training, knowledge mobilization and outreach activities.

See Award Application Tips to learn more about the application process for External/Government Funded Awards.

Deadline to Submit Nomination
Package to Academic Unit:

February 14, 2024

Award Value:

Candidate Eligibility:
Doctoral students or postdoctoral fellows currently holding specific SSHRC funding (see below)

Canadian Graduate Scholarships

The Talent Award can either be:

  • taken up as a fellowship to fund the recipient’s doctoral or postdoctoral research over a one-year period; or  
  • used within one year of receiving the award as a grant to support research, knowledge mobilization or other research-related activities.

At least 10% of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

How to Submit a Nomination

Check eligibility

Confirm that you

Review selection criteria

Challenge – ambition and importance (25%):

  • originality and significance of the body of work within the nominee’s fields of research

Achievements – impact and outcomes (75%):

  • originality and significance of nominee’s body of academic achievement and research, including quality of publications relative to stage of career;
  • evidence of impact of the nominee’s work within their fields of research and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community;
  • nominee’s ability and commitment to communicate research results within and/or beyond the academic community;
  • level of nominee’s engagement with, and quality of training and mentoring provided to, students, emerging scholars and participants, relative to the nominee’s career level; and
  • nominee’s demonstrated potential for leadership and societal contributions within and/or beyond the academic community.

Prepare your nomination package

Email the nomination package, including your full name, student ID, current program, CV, and 1 page of current research work to your Graduate Program Assistant.

Competition Timeline (Spring 2024)

February 14
Nominee deadline to submit the full application to Graduate Program Assistant
February 16
SFU Departments/Academic Units forward nomination packages to Graduate Studies ( GS will organize an adjudication committee to review and select one (1) nomination package.
April 1 Deadline for GS to forward the one (1) nomination to SSHRC.