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Faculty of Environment Profiles: 2021
The Faculty of Environment is one of only a handful of interdisciplinary environmental faculties in Canada – and the only one in Western Canada focused on sustainability and sustainable development.
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October 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
Melissa is an Archaeology Master's student in the Faculty of Environment conducting an ethnoarchaeological study of beer production in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia. (SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)
May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021
Christine is a Geography master’s student working to quantify the potential of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) (NSERC/SFU USRA)
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
Zoe is a Resource and Environmental Management (REM) PhD Student researching how new technologies can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector over time and how policy can ensure that these technologies are compatible with climate change goals. (Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship and a Graduate Fellowship)
October 19, 2021
October 19, 2021
Kristin is an Archaeology Master's student in the Faculty of Environment researching on what species were present in the waterbodies in and around K'ómoks Estuary on Vancouver Island in order to contribute better information to peoples and organizations that are trying to conserve what is left of the populations. (BC Graduate Scholarship & SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)
September 17, 2021
September 17, 2021
Rob is an Archaeology Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment interested in finding evidence of a coastal migration route related to the peopling of the Americas on the Pacific coast of North America that may have existed prior to 12,000 BP. (SSHRC CGS Doctoral Scholarship)
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
Yuka is an Archaeology Doctoral student in the Faculty of Science reconstructing past fishing activities as well as environmental changes by tracing ancient fish DNA. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)
October 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
Emma is a Resource and Environmental Management Master's student in the Faculty of Environment whose research focuses on national policy pathways to reach net zero emissions in Canada by 2050. (BC Graduate Scholarship & SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)
October 06, 2021
October 06, 2021
Kim-Ly is a School of Resource and Environmental Management Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment whose research seeks to inform community-driven actions and policy supporting Indigenous food sovereignty in the context of a changing climate. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)