- About
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- Faculty
- Tim Audas
- Christopher Beh
- Lorena Braid
- Fiona S.L. Brinkman
- Mark Brockman
- Jonathan Choy
- Lisa Craig
- Sharon Gorski
- Nicholas Harden
- Nancy Hawkins
- Robert Holt
- William Hsiao
- Valentin Jaumouillé
- Lisa Julian
- Dustin King
- Irina Kovalyova
- Mani Larijani
- Amy Lee
- Michel Leroux
- Ryan Morin
- Ingrid Northwood
- Mark Paetzel
- Lynne Quarmby
- Dheva Setiaputra
- Michael Silverman
- Sophie Sneddon
- Glen Tibbits
- Peter Unrau
- Esther Verheyen
- Stephanie Vlachos
- David Vocadlo
- Edgar Young
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- Hawkins Lab
- Holt Lab
- Hsiao Lab
- Jaumouillé Lab
- Julian Lab
- King Lab
- Larijani Lab
- Lee Lab
- Leroux Lab
- Morin Lab
- Paetzel Lab
- Pio Lab
- Quarmby Lab
- Sen Lab
- Setiaputra Lab
- Silverman Lab
- Thewalt Lab
- Tibbits Lab
- Unrau Lab
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- 2025
- 2024
- Valentin Jaumouillé and Ryan Morin Receive Faculty of Science Research Awards
- Fiona Brinkman Recognized with Excellence in Science Public Engagement, Communication & Outreach Award
- Lionel Pereira receives Faculty of Science Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
- Scientists develop tool to predict sepsis in apparently healthy newborns
- Dr. Lynne Quarmby, cool new discoveries about Watermelon Snow
- Dr. Valentin Jaumouillé and Dr. Amy Lee, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry researchers receive Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar awards
- Verheyen Lab breakthrough identifies gene that may reverse Parkinson’s disease
- Dr. Ryan Morin has been honored with the Bernard and Francine Dorval Prize from the Canadian Cancer Society
- MBB researchers awarded $2 million in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Dr. Glen Tibbits honoured as Distinguished SFU Professor
- Reflecting on barriers and progress towards equity in science
- Royal Society of Canada bestows Dr. Vocadlo with country’s highest academic honour
- Decoding the genome to predict the clinical course of lymphomas
- 2023 Award for Excellence in Supervision: Esther Verheyen
- In a recent Nature Communications paper, the Audas lab demonstrates that proteins can act as microscopic thermometers to sense and respond to changing environmental conditions
- 2023
- Dr. Dustin King speaks to Molecular Cell about sustainability and molecular biology
- Science Advances paper by new MBB PhD, Casey Engstrom and Professor Lynne Quarmby uses satellites to study the impact of Watermelon Snow on glacier loss in North America
- Dr. Sathiyaseelan and team explore the expression and therapeutic target potential of cysteine protease ATG4 in pancreatic cancer
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Join us and participate in weekly seminar presentations on exciting topics in the fields of cell, molecular and developmental biology.
Date: Wednesdays, 1:00 to 2:00 pm
Location: SSB 7172
September 21, 2022
Lionel Pereira
A phosphoinositide signalling pathway mediates rapid lysosomal repair (2022) Nature.
"Tan and Finkel"
September 28, 2022
Eva Momchilova
Stem cell-derived synthetic embryos self-assemble by exploiting cadherin codes and cortical tension (2022) Nat. Cell. Biol.
"Bao et al."
October 5, 2022
George Allen
Mechanical strain stimulates COPII-dependent secretory trafficking via Rac1 (2022). The EMBO Journal.
"Phuyal et al."
October 12, 2022
Jennah Park
DOT1L modulates the senescence-associated secretory phenotype through epigenetic regulation of IL1A (2021). JCB.
"Leon et al."
October 19, 2022
Amelinda Firdauzy
Ischaemia impacts TNT-mediated communication between cardiac cells (2020). Current Research in Cell Biology.
"Batista-Almeida,D. et al."
October 26, 2022
Stephanie Sonea
Rapid macropinocytic transfer of α-synuclein to lysosomes. (2022) Cell Rep.
"Bayati et al."
November 2, 2022
Jessica Felix
An LKB1–mitochondria axis controls TH17 effector function (2022). Nature.
"Baixauli, F., Piletic, K., Puleston D.J. et al"
November 9, 2022
Matthew Volpiana
Lysosomal GPCR-like protein LYCHOS signals cholesterol sufficiency to mTORC1 (2022). Science (New York, N.Y.), 377(6612), 1290–1298.
"Shin et al"
November 16, 2022
Jennifer Chan
A distinct role of STING in regulating glucose homeostasis through insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion (2022). PNAS.
"Qiao et al"
November 23, 2022
Shama Nazir
TBC1D18 is a Rab5-GAP that coordinates endosome maturation together with Mon1.
"Hiragi et al"
Brandon Fonseca
(Walsh et al., 2022) The bacterial effector GarD shields Chlamydia trachomatis inclusions from RNF213-mediated ubiquitylation and destruction
"Walsh et al"
November 30, 2022
Reyhaneh Jafarirad
Prophet, S.M., Rampello, A.J., Niescier, R.F. et al. Atypical nuclear envelope condensates linked to neurological disorders reveal nucleoporin-directed chaperone activities. Nat Cell Biol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-022-01001-y
Jennah Park
December 7, 2022
Shaianne Stein
Cell migration orchestrates migrasome formation by shaping retraction fibers. J Cell Biol 4 April 2022; 221 (4): e202109168. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202109168
"Fan et al"
Katja Maccharles
ATM inhibition drives metabolic adaptation via induction of macropinocytosis. J Cell Biol 2 January 2023; 222 (1): e202007026. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202007026
"Huang et al"