- About
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- Faculty
- Tim Audas
- Christopher Beh
- Lorena Braid
- Fiona S.L. Brinkman
- Mark Brockman
- Jonathan Choy
- Lisa Craig
- Sharon Gorski
- Nicholas Harden
- Nancy Hawkins
- Robert Holt
- William Hsiao
- Valentin Jaumouillé
- Lisa Julian
- Dustin King
- Irina Kovalyova
- Mani Larijani
- Amy Lee
- Michel Leroux
- Ryan Morin
- Ingrid Northwood
- Mark Paetzel
- Lynne Quarmby
- Dheva Setiaputra
- Michael Silverman
- Sophie Sneddon
- Glen Tibbits
- Peter Unrau
- Esther Verheyen
- Stephanie Vlachos
- David Vocadlo
- Edgar Young
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- Hawkins Lab
- Holt Lab
- Hsiao Lab
- Jaumouillé Lab
- Julian Lab
- King Lab
- Larijani Lab
- Lee Lab
- Leroux Lab
- Morin Lab
- Paetzel Lab
- Pio Lab
- Quarmby Lab
- Sen Lab
- Setiaputra Lab
- Silverman Lab
- Thewalt Lab
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- 2025
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- Valentin Jaumouillé and Ryan Morin Receive Faculty of Science Research Awards
- Fiona Brinkman Recognized with Excellence in Science Public Engagement, Communication & Outreach Award
- Lionel Pereira receives Faculty of Science Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
- Scientists develop tool to predict sepsis in apparently healthy newborns
- Dr. Lynne Quarmby, cool new discoveries about Watermelon Snow
- Dr. Valentin Jaumouillé and Dr. Amy Lee, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry researchers receive Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar awards
- Verheyen Lab breakthrough identifies gene that may reverse Parkinson’s disease
- Dr. Ryan Morin has been honored with the Bernard and Francine Dorval Prize from the Canadian Cancer Society
- MBB researchers awarded $2 million in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Dr. Glen Tibbits honoured as Distinguished SFU Professor
- Reflecting on barriers and progress towards equity in science
- Royal Society of Canada bestows Dr. Vocadlo with country’s highest academic honour
- Decoding the genome to predict the clinical course of lymphomas
- 2023 Award for Excellence in Supervision: Esther Verheyen
- In a recent Nature Communications paper, the Audas lab demonstrates that proteins can act as microscopic thermometers to sense and respond to changing environmental conditions
- 2023
- Dr. Dustin King speaks to Molecular Cell about sustainability and molecular biology
- Science Advances paper by new MBB PhD, Casey Engstrom and Professor Lynne Quarmby uses satellites to study the impact of Watermelon Snow on glacier loss in North America
- Dr. Sathiyaseelan and team explore the expression and therapeutic target potential of cysteine protease ATG4 in pancreatic cancer
- 2022
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November 2015
MBB Student among those selected to Great Northwest Athletic Conference 2015 All-Academic Men’s and Women’s Soccer teams
A total of 121 student-athletes, including 76 women and 45 men, have earned selection to the 2015 Great Northwest Athletic Conference Soccer All-Academic Teams
October 2015
SFU co-leads national project to revive Coho salmon
Simon Fraser University scientist Willie Davidson will co-lead a four-year project that holds the promise of reviving British Columbia’s commercial Coho salmon fishery.
Science lecturer Irina Kovalyova to speak at the 2015 Vancouver Writers Festival
Science lecturer Irina Kovalyova published her first novel, Specimen. She has been invited to present at at writers' festivals in B.C. and beyond.
September 2015
Kwangjin Park receives Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
Kwangjin Park, a PhD student in SFU's Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, received a prestigious three-year Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship in 2014/15
Postdoc Profile: Tiffany-Anne Timbers, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
Congratulations to Dr. Tiffany-Anne Timbers, recipient of a prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship of $70,000 per year for two years to support her research at the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, SFU. Dr. Timbers is one of five Banting Fellows at SFU in 2014–15.
August 2015
New cancer-fighting funds to help patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Professor Ryan Morin hopes to develop a simple diagnostic blood test to replace the continual biopsies patients must undergo to track the cancer's mutations during treatment.
Mutants and Monsters—new course explores science behind science fiction
Science instructor, Irina Kovalyova, author of Specimen, a collection of science fiction stories, is introducing a new breadth course for non-science majors, called Mutants and Monsters.
July 2015
MBB student honoured for Academic Excellence
MBB student, Cameron Proceviat, has been singled out for academic excellence by the U.S. Track & Field & Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) earning All-Academic honours
June 2015
Dr. Vilaiwan Fernandes receives Dean's Convocation Medal
As one of SFU's most outstanding graduate students from the Faculty of Science, Dr. Vilaiwan Fernandes is being recognized with the award of the Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal.
Inventive sci-fi storytelling from an SFU microbiologist
Irina Kovalyova imbues the eight stories and 140-page novella in her latest book Specimen with a scientific outlook.
May 2015
Mentorship helps high school student land international award
Thanks to the mentorship of two SFU researchers, 16-year-old Nicole Ticea has received major endorsement and confirmation that international supporters share her dream of improving HIV diagnosis in developing countries.
April 2015
Brinkman Lab wins Green Lab Challenge
Engineering Science and the Brinkman Lab (MBB) took home the winning spots for the Green Office and Green Lab Challenge, respectively.
March 2015
Sugar key to cellular proteins’ protection and viability
Professor David Vocadlo has discovered that a specialized sugar gets attached to proteins as they form. The sugar protects them from being marked for premature destruction.
Human Genomics class gets up close and personal
Students in professor Ryan Morin’s Human Genomics 462 class develop a sound understanding of genetics and their own personal genetic makeup thanks to DNA testing kits supplied to each student.
February 2015
Researchers' maps describe epigenome's role in human health and disease
Professor Steven Jones and adjunct professor Marco Marra, both with SFU’s Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, have realized a major scientific achievement that will advance understanding of how the information in our cells is used and processed.
SFU plays key role in new national hub for glycomics research
David Vocadlo, a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Chemical Glycobiology and chemistry professor, is one of six SFU scientists lending their expertise to Glyconet
January 2015
Mitacs Step helps SFU postdoc land new position
Jacque-Lynne was hired by Innovate Calgary to work in intellectual property management, evaluating the potential of new life sciences technologies
Scientists identify rare liver cancer’s genetic pathways
An international research team, including four Simon Fraser University scientists, has identified the “mutational landscape” of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC), a rare, highly fatal form of liver cancer that disproportionately affects people in Asian countries.