Scholarships & Funding

Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)

Summer 2025 - Spring 2026 USRA competition announcement

USRAs are granted to undergraduate students working in a research capacity with an academic supervisor for a 16-week duration. Meant to encourage undergraduates to pursue graduate degrees and/or a research career. This is also a way to recruit students into graduate programs.

Key points:

1. USRA scholarship values continue to be $6,000.
2. Work period is 16 weeks at 35 hours per week.
3. The minimum payable amounts for the appointments are to be calculated based on the following formula:
BC Minimum Wage x weekly hours (35) x 16 weeks + 11% statutory benefits +4% in lieu of vacation.
Subtract the award amount from the total to derive the minimum supervisor’s supplement.
4. Flexibility is given in terms of delivery method. The NSERC and VPR USRAs can be conducted in-person or remotely, at the discretion of the supervisor.

Types of USRAs available:

NSERC and VPR–Sciences USRA: The subject of research must be in the field of the natural sciences and engineering.
CIHR USRA: ONLY for self-identified Black student researchers whose subject of research is in the field of health. As an institution SFU has been allocated 3 CIHR spots. It will be awarded to eligible departmental nominees on a first-come first-serve basis.
Some of the MBB USRA research opportunities are posted here.

By Thursday, February 20, 2025, NSERC USRA applicants must submit their online application to NSERC and send an electronic copy to This includes uploading transcripts and having a supervisor complete form 202 (Part II). VPR USRA only applicants must submit the VPR USRA application form and the transcript to Students applying for both only need to complete an application on the NSERC online portal.

*NOTE: The MBB department has a different process and deadlines are different from what is posted on the Graduate Studies website. ENSURE you follow the MBB process and deadlines in this email. Interested students have to find a supervisor first and then apply. (If the supervisor has a joint appointment with another department or faculty, you must apply to their home department or faculty.) Make sure to email your supervisor to complete Part II of Form 202 before you submit your final application to NSERC.


There are two layers of eligibility to consider: eligibility to apply for and eligibility to hold a USRA. The successful applicants must satisfy both.


  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
  • be registered in a Bachelor's degree program (at time of application) with the subject of research being in the field of the natural sciences and engineering
  • have obtained a CGPA of at least 2.67
  • have completed at least two academic terms of a bachelor's degree
  • have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately before the term in which you will hold the award
  • not have completed your undergraduate degree (as an exception, if you have completed your degree, you can only hold a USRA in the immediately proceeding term)
  • not started a program of graduate studies, including a concurrent program
  • have held 2 or fewer previous USRAs (including VPR and NSERC USRAs) in the past (Note: only 1 USRA is allowed per fiscal year April 1 – March 31)
  • not enrolled in a thesis course during the USRA term


  • The same eligibility as normal USRA’s applied, but applicant must identify as a Black student researcher and pursuing research in health.

3. VPR-Sciences USRA

  • be an SFU undergraduate student
  • be registered in a Bachelor's degree program (at time of application) with the subject of research being in the field of the natural sciences and engineering
  • have obtained a CGPA of at least 2.67
  • have completed at least two academic terms of a bachelor's degree
  • have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately before the term in which you will hold the award
  • not have completed your undergraduate degree (as an exception, if you have completed your degree, you can only hold a USRA in the immediately proceeding term)
  • not started a program of graduate studies, including a concurrent program
  • have held 2 or fewer previous USRAs (including VPR and NSERC USRAs) in the past (Note: only 1 USRA is allowed per fiscal year April 1 – March 31)
  • not enrolled in a thesis course during the USRA term

Useful links:

Tri-agency eligibility rules:
SFU general eligibility:

More information

  • If you are eligible to apply to the NSERC / CIHR USRA you need not apply to the VPR awards. If you are not successful at NSERC you will be considered for the VPR award provided you are an SFU student.
  • If you apply to the CIHR USRA but are not successful in that competition, you will still be considered for the NSERC USRA competition provided your research has a component in natural sciences or engineering.

How to apply

NSERC / CIHR USRA: applications to both of these are submitted to NSERC website. Also send an electronic copy to MBB Dept (
VPR USRA Sciences: applications are submitted to MBB Dept (


Students eligible for NSERC / CIHR awards should complete and submit an application using NSERC’s online system. Refer to the Instructions for completing an Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) application – form 202 web page for more information. The choice of agency (NSERC or CIHR) is made on the Form 202; CIHR USRA applicants must self-identify as Black in their application form. Students submitting Form 202 do NOT need to complete a separate application for a VPR USRA.

2. VPR-Sciences USRA

Students who are eligible only for a VPR USRA (i.e. international SFU students) must complete the application form. Applicants and the supervisor complete and sign the form, and email the form along with the transcript to

More information

  • For SFU students, unofficial transcripts are accepted for USRA applications (NSERC, VPR and other USRAs). Transcripts must be recently issued, showing a Spring 2025 date of issue. While unofficial, you should note that submission of an application will continue to serve as a formal attestation that you have provided true, complete, accurate information in the application and its related documents. Make sure you choose UNOFFICIAL and NOT Advising transcript when printing/saving your transcripts. Non-SFU students applying for NSERC USRAs must submit official transcripts.
  • For NSERC / CIHR USRA: applicants must email the selected supervisor to complete Form 202 Part II well in advance of the deadline date. The supervisor will need to know the applicants reference number to do so.