Undergraduate Student Research Awards

Deadlines, Process + Payments 

Click competition to view application details ↓


Most payments are through payroll, with donor-funded and other USRA supplements paid through goSFU:

Payroll Payments: Both the award portion and supervisor contributions are paid through payroll.

  • Units send information to HR (RPT) through a Payroll Appointment Form (PAF).

  • HR generate an employment offer and a package of onboarding documents and send them to the student.

  • Award holders will need to complete a Personal Data Form and enroll in payroll direct deposit by submitting a void cheque with the rest of the documents

  • Payroll processes both components of the appointments, and students will start receiving biweekly deposits in their bank account (with mandatory deductions and personal income tax withholding if applicable). They will be able to see their biweekly pay cheques in myINFO.


How to Apply

Check eligibility

Use the Choose a USRA to find the right USRA for you; be sure to read complete eligibility.

Contact the program

Email the contact for the department you wish to hold the USRA in. Be sure to confirm the department’s process and deadlines.

Prepare your application

Submit all required documents to the intended department by that department’s deadline.

  • Students eligible for a NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC USRA submit the NSERC Form 202 + current transcripts.
  • International Students/Students not eligible for an NSERC USRA submit the VPR USRA application form + current transcripts.

Receive award offer/update

Award offers are typically emailed in February/March with a two week window to accept. 

  • International students must contact an International Student Advisor at intl_advising@sfu.ca to confirm work eligibility.
NOTE: This is a general overview and there may be some additional department-specific steps (such as interviews).

Information on this program is subject to change.



Graduate Studies Office sends memo out to all Departments with allocations.
February 21 Deadline for students to submit applications.
February 28 Departments submit a ranked list to Graduate Studies Office. The list must contain a ranked NSERC USRA A-list, a ranked VPR USRA A-list, and a single ranked B-list and a list of students nominated for a supplemental or donor USRA.
February/March Graduate Studies Office reviews applications and offers NSERC USRA awards first, according to the departments NSERC USRA A-list.
By March 30 Graduate Studies Office sends each department an updated list of USRA holders. Departments must inform Graduate Studies Office of any changes
April/Aug/Dec  Departments send Payroll all required forms (personal data and PAF forms) for awards starting in May, September or January respectively. 
May/Sept/Jan Both the award and the supervisor’s supplementary portions are paid through payroll.


How to Apply

Check eligibility

Use the Choose a USRA to find the right USRA for you; be sure to read complete eligibility.

Contact the program

Email the contact for the department you wish to hold the USRA in or contact the supervisor you wish to hold the award with.

Prepare and submit your application

Submit the VPR USRA application form and transcripts directly to Graduate Studies (email: gpsaward@sfu.ca) by March 15th.

  • Applications may be accepted after the deadline if there are remaining awards available.  

Receive award offer/update

Award offers/updates are typically emailed within two weeks of submitting your application.

NOTE: This is a general overview and there may be some additional department-specific steps (such as interviews).


March 1 Students submit applications directly to Graduate Studies beginning March 1st.
March 30 Graduate Studies Office sends each department an updated list of USRA holders. Departments must inform Graduate Studies Office of any changes.
April/Aug/Dec Departments send Payroll all required forms (personal data and PAF forms) for awards starting in May, September or January respectively. 
May/Sept/Jan Both the award and the supervisor’s supplementary portions are paid through payroll.