Indigenous Education: Wholistic Teachings and Transformative Pedagogies

Now you’ve submitted your application and all the required documentation, what’s next?

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  • Approximately 1 week before deadline: Applicants notified by email about program status (eg. deadline extension, program confirmed to run or postponed to start in a later term) and options for next steps.
  • 1 week after deadline: All supporting documents must be uploaded into the graduate application system; Associate Director, APS reviews all applications and submits recommendations for admission to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS).
  • 3-4 weeks after deadline: GPS distributes admission offer letters by email; APS distributes welcome letter with cohort-specific information by email (including class days, times, location etc)


Step 1: Applicants notified by email about program status

All applicants will receive an email to inform them as to the updated program status, whether an application deadline is extended, program postponed to a later term start etc and options for next steps.

Step 2: Associate Director reviews all applications and submits recommendations to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS)

Step 3: GPS distributes admission offer letters by email

Step 4: APS distributes welcome letter

This letter contains cohort-specific information and will be delivered via email.

Step 5: Applicants to pay $250 deposit to accept the offer and enroll in classes