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- MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Ecological Education
- MA, MEd in Curriculum & Instruction: Educational Theory and Practice
- M.Éd. dans Curriculum & Instruction: Enseigner et apprendre en français: plurilinguismes, francophonies et éducation
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Social Justice in Education Minor
Students will explore the historical roots and ongoing patterns of social and educational injustice with an emphasis on the Canadian context, including responses to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action. Students will develop the theoretical and practical tools necessary to recognize and challenge injustice and create more equitable practices. Students are encouraged to choose courses that build on their individual interests in social justice.
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Lower Division Requirements
Students complete at least two of:
EDUC 100W - Selected Questions and Issues in Education (3)
Selected Questions and Issues in Education
An introduction to a small but representative sample of basic questions and issues in education. Students will examine questions relating to: the concept or idea of education; learning and the learner; teaching and the teacher; and more generally, the broader contexts of education. This course also introduces students to different ways of exploring educational questions and issues from philosophical and critical analysis, to historical and cross-cultural studies, to empirical research. Cannot be taken for credit by students with credit for 300 and 400 level education courses. Writing/Breadth-Humanities.
EDUC 240 - Social Issues in Education (3)
Social Issues in Education
EDUC 240
Social functions of the school; education and socialization; social, political, economic and cultural influences on the institutions and practices of education. May be applied towards the certificate in liberal arts.
EDUC 252 - Introduction to Reflective Practice (4)
Introduction to Reflective Practice
EDUC 252
Provides opportunities for prospective educators to begin their development as reflective practitioners. Through readings, classroom activities and discussions, and interactions with students and practicing teachers, students will be exposed to various educational issues and questions. They will be given time to explore their own values and beliefs about education and teaching. Time may be spent observing in a selection of educational settings, and there may be opportunities to work with learners individually, and in small and large groups. Students enrolled in or with credit for EDUC 401, 402, 403 or holding a teaching certificate may not take this course for credit.
INDG 101 - Introduction to Indigenous Studies (3)
Introduction to Indigenous Studies
INDG 101
Introduces the nature and goals of Indigenous Studies as an academic discipline that emphasizes cultures and homelands of First Peoples. Students with credit for FNST 101 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Humanities/Social Sciences.
INDG 201W - Indigenous Peoples' Perspectives on History (3)
Indigenous Peoples' Perspectives on History
An examination of fact and ideology in history and historic events involving contact between Indigenous and European peoples. The course will also address questions of research methodologies in studying Indigenous/European relations, such as the evaluation of oral history and written ethnohistoric sources. An additional focus will be on gender as it influences perspectives. Students with credit for FNST 201W may not take this course for further credit. Writing/Breadth-Social Sci.
Upper Division Requirements
Students complete a minimum of 15 units of upper division courses including at least 3 courses from:
EDUC 311 - Foundations in Indigenous Education, Language, and Culture (3)
Foundations in Indigenous Education, Language, and Culture
EDUC 311
An introduction to Indigenous education in Canada and BC. There will be a critical examination of historical and contemporary issues in education and an exploration of culturally based Indigenous education grounded in Indigenous philosophies. Prerequisite: 60 units. Breadth-Humanities.
EDUC 341 - Literacy, Education and Culture (3)
Literacy, Education and Culture
EDUC 341
What counts as literacy and whose literacies are valued? What does this mean for the organization of societies, and for teaching and learning? How is literacy implicated in projects of social ordering, colonialism, oppression and empowerment? This course explores these questions through case studies, histories, policies and place-based investigations of literacy education across the life course and inside and outside formal schooling. Prerequisite: 60 units including three units in EDUC courses. Breadth-Humanities.
EDUC 352W - Building on Reflective Practice (4)
Building on Reflective Practice
Building on the experience of EDUC 252, prospective educators will continue to develop their reflective practice. Various educational issues related to the caring for learners and the creation of learning communities will be explored. Students will spend time in educational settings exploring the importance of connected educational experiences for learners. Students with credit for EDUC 401 or holding a teaching certificate may not take this course for credit Prerequisite: EDUC 252. Writing.
EDUC 370 - International and Intercultural Education (4)
International and Intercultural Education
EDUC 370
Practical and theoretical approaches to international and intercultural education, including examinations of the relationships between culture, learning and schooling, and contemporary issues in teacher education from an international perspective. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 60 units, including 3 units in Education.
EDUC 382 - Diversity in Education: Theories, Policies, Practices (4)
Diversity in Education: Theories, Policies, Practices
EDUC 382
An examination of the impact of social diversity on schooling in Canada exploring contemporary issues and perspectives on diversity education as they relate to cultural, ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious, economic, and gender differences. Prerequisite: 60 units.
EDUC 437 - Ethical Issues in Education (4)
Ethical Issues in Education
EDUC 437
Ethical problems in education are identified and examined. Four major areas of concern are explored: 1. the normative character of education as a whole; 2. the justification of education; 3. ethical questions related to equality, autonomy, interpersonal relationships, and rights in education; 4. moral education and values education. Prerequisite: 60 units including 3 units in Education.
EDUC 438 - Education and Popular Culture (4)
Education and Popular Culture
EDUC 438
What is the connection between popular culture and education? Using the concept of "societal curriculum," students will study the representation of socially constructed differences in movies, music videos, cartoons and toys produced for and/or consumed by youth to examine how these constructions reproduce or challenge existing norms and power relations in mainstream society. Prerequisite: 60 units.
EDUC 448 - Teaching about Justice, Law and Citizenship (4)
Teaching about Justice, Law and Citizenship
EDUC 448
The justification and practise of law-related education in the K-12 curriculum are the subjects of this methodology course. Students will examine the place of law in the curriculum, existing resources and appropriate teaching strategies and will have the opportunity to develop unit plans and curriculum materials. Emphasis is on developing and implementing law-related programs in the classroom. Prerequisite: 60 units including six in education courses. Teaching experience is recommended.
EDUC 458 - Pedagogy and Practice of Arts for Social Change (4)
Pedagogy and Practice of Arts for Social Change
EDUC 458
Course investigates the pedagogy and practice of arts for social change, which encourages meaningful dialogue, action and leadership through the arts. Students engage in hands-on, experiential learning through workshops, creative group work, and dialogue with practitioners. We explore challenges and benefits of arts for social change as a pedagogical vehicle for educational, environmental, social justice, health, community and/or activist projects. Prerequisite: 60 units.
If the courses chosen above do not add up to a minimum of 15 units, then additional courses chosen from the following are required:
EDUC 322 - The Social Lives of School Children (3)
The Social Lives of School Children
EDUC 322
An overview of theory, research and practice concerning social emotional development and social interactions and relationships in the school context. Emphasis on the role of peer relationships in development and the role of the school in supporting positive interactions. Prerequisite: EDUC 220 or PSYC 250.
EDUC 324 - Foundations of Multicultural Counselling (3)
Learning Disabilities: Laboratory
EDUC 424
Supervised experience in analysis and evaluation of treatment strategies to be used with classroom students having learning disabilities. Prerequisite: Prerequisite or corequisite: EDUC 422. Students must successfully complete a Criminal Record Check.
EDUC 351 - Teaching the Older Adult (3)
Teaching the Older Adult
EDUC 351
This is a basic course in adult education for students from all disciplines, of particular interest to those working (or preparing to work) with older adults. The goal is to assist students to develop more effective strategies for meeting the needs of an aging population through education. Prerequisite: 60 units.
EDUC 422 - Learning Disabilities (4)
Learning Disabilities
EDUC 422
A study of conceptual and historic foundations of learning disabilities and an introduction to the methodologies of diagnosis and of learning disabilities. Prerequisite: PSYC 250 or corequisite of EDUC 315 or 473. Students may be required to successfully complete a Criminal Record Check.
EDUC 471 - Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice (4)
Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice
EDUC 471
Explorations of curriculum theory and processes of development with applications at different levels and in several subject areas. Prerequisite: 60 units.
INDG 401 - Aboriginal Peoples and Public Policy (3)
Indigenous Peoples and Public Policy
INDG 401
An examination of Indigenous peoples' perspectives on political, social and legal issues involving their rights as first citizens of Canada and North America, and the practical and political relations with various levels of government. Issues examined include: Indigenous rights and title, self government models and concepts, constitutional matters, the impact of federal government policies, including their impact on women's lives, and Indigenous communities and politics. Students with credit for FNST 401 may not take this course for further credit. Prerequisite: INDG (or FNST) 101 or 201W. Recommended: POL 221.
INDG 433 - Indigenous Environmental Justice and Activism (4)
Indigenous Environmental Justice and Activism
INDG 433
Examines contemporary writings regarding Indigenous environmental logic and environmental concerns of contemporary times. Studies effects of resource extraction upon Indigenous nations, globalization, genetic modifications, health, intellectual property, spiritual beliefs, culture and society, art and language and compares these with specific Indigenous logic at the time of contact. Students with credit for FNST 433 may not take this course for further credit. Prerequisite: 45 units.
Note: Other relevant courses (e.g., in CRIM, GSWS, HIST or Special Topics) may be considered for the minor upon consultation and approval from the Education academic advisor and the relevant department.