Roles + Responsibilities of Student, Grad Studies, and Committees

Roles and Responsibilities of the Award Applicant and Award Recipient

Although awards may have different application and adjudication processes, all award applications that are adjudicated through SFU are bound by roles and responsibilities as outlined below:

Graduate Handbook

Your Graduate Handbook contains valuable information regarding funding.

Learn more

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Award applicant

It is the responsibility of the award applicant to:

  • be aware of any and all deadlines and timelines for awards and scholarships they intend to apply for;
  • provide sufficient, truthful and accurate information, demonstrating all criteria is met to assist any and all scholarship adjudicating committees to make informed decisions;
  • agree that a submitted application denotes consent to review all information by the academic unit, Graduate Studies faculty and staff, any and all scholarship adjudicating committees;
  • understand that the information submitted on award applications is collected under the authority of the provincial Universities Act, which mandates the provision of programs and services, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, the Taxation Act (Canada), and the Statistics Act (Canada). 

Award recipient

It is the responsibility of the award recipient to:

  • accept any award funding offered within the time limit provided;
  • read and comply with all regulations and policies governing their awards; this may include external agency’s award holder guides not posted on SFU’s website;
  • understand that award payment information will form part of their student record;
  • understand that some information may be shared with SFU University Advancement to inform the award's funder and SFU Public Affairs and Media Relations, for media releases;
  • carry out project activities in accordance with the plans provided in the approved/funded award application;
  • ensure that any major changes to their graduate program, research topic, project are submitted to Graduate Studies and/or the funding agency in advance for approval;
  • inform Graduate Studies in advance of any deferrals, leaves, withdrawals or change to program that may affect award payments;
  • return to SFU any portion of the award when this is required by the regulations and policies governing the award;
  • accept the opportunities that may become available (events, receptions, thank a donor day, scholarship workshops) in which appreciation can be shown towards donors, faculty and/or staff involved in the funding and administration of awards;
  • current doctoral award holders of NSERC and SSHRC are required to submit their annual progress report to 4 weeks prior to the anniversary date of the award, in order to receive funding for the next year.