Cécile Bullock

Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Academic and Faculty Development
Faculty of Education


Within the Faculty of Education, at Simon Fraser University (Canada), I work with pre-service and in-service teachers in French Education at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I have been trained as a French as a Second/Foreign Language Teacher and my foundational educational experiences were developed within la didactique du plurilinguisme in France. 

My scholarship is situated primarily within Plurilingual Education and examines plurilingual practices and attitudes to multilingualism in families, schools and communities, as well as addressing issues relevant to teacher training and professional development in our rapidly expending world. 

Une partie de ma recherche est conduite en français. En tant que locutrice bilingue, le rapport à la langue et aux langues en général, est au coeur de ma réflexion. Je m'attache ainsi à examiner la façon dont les langues qui composent les répertoires plurilingues participent à la médiation communicative et sociale pour construire et donner du sens aux identités individuelles (que celles-ci soient linguistiques, culturelles, ou professionnelles).

Research Interests

My current work investigates teacher education and professional learning/development in plurilingual and multicultural environments, with a specific focus on self-study methodology and the role of reflective practice in developing teachers’ theories of practice. I use the lenses offered by la didactique du plurilinguisme to examine the intersection between plurilingual approaches to education, professional knowledge about teaching, and the negotiations of professional and personal identities of teachers and teacher educators


  • Education plurilingue/Plurilingual Education
  • Didactique du plurilinguisme
  • Language(s) Education
  • Agir enseignant/Theories of Practice
  • Teachers and Teacher Educators’ Identities
  • Self-study Methodologies

Research Highlights

BULLOCK, S. M. & BULLOCK, C. (2022). Mediating Critical Friendship Through Language(s): A Plurilingual Approach. In B. Butler & S. M. Bullock (Eds.). Learning through collaboration in self- study: Communities of practice, critical friendships, and collaborative self-study (pp. 313-323). Singapore: Springer.

BULLOCK, C. (2022). Migrants' identities in Multilingual Cities: Plurilingualism as transformative social asset. In L. Fisher & W. Ayres-Bennett (Eds). Multilingualism and Identity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 91-107). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.

BULLOCK, C. (2020). Didactique du français et agir enseignants en contexte minoritaire britanno- colombien. In J. Thibeault & C. Fleuret (Eds.). Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires: enjeux actuels et regards prospectifs (pp. 57-79). Ottawa, Canada: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.

BULLOCK, C. & BULLOCK, S. M. (2020). Exploring Challenges to and From Self-Study: Novice and Expert Perspectives from a French Scholar. In J. Kitchen, A. Berry, S. M. Bullock, A. R. Crowe, M. Taylor, H. Guðjónsdóttir & L. Thomas (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and

Teacher Education (pp. 483-505), Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1710-1_15-1]

LAGHZAOUI, G. & BULLOCK, C. (2021). Les jeunes et l’engagement communautaire: Les clés d’un partenariat réussi. Conseil Jeunesse Francophone de Colombie-Britannique.



Spring 2025

Future courses may be subject to change.