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Presidents Dream Colloquium on Conversations to Action:
Creating from Social Justice Research

Spring 2021
Connect your passion for social justice through creative academic conversation. Take innovative interdisciplinary research from distinguished scholars and experiment with your peers to communicate it in engaging ways to a public audience. This peer-led webinar series draws from a pool of influential scholars who helped shape and grow the Ruth Wynn Woodward Endowed Chair in Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies (GSWS) at SFU.
In celebration of SFU’s 50th anniversary of Canada’s first program in GSWS, this timely President’s Dream Colloquium is an opportunity for you to combine your creative and analytical abilities to engage with these influential scholars and carry forward the profound impact of their ideas.
Confirmed scholars that we will be drawing from in this colloquium include:
You will read and discuss representative works by these scholars and workshop on how to creatively engage with their ideas in formats that will be presented to the public. You will also have the opportunity to interact with some of the guest scholars in a virtual conversation.
All President's Dream Colloquiums
Seminars for Graduates & Undergraduates
SFU students gain course credits towards their degree for attending and participating in colloquium seminars and completing supervised research papers relating to the colloquium’s subject or theme.
Public Engagement
The public is invited to join in on conversations with these scholars on the following dates/times:
The President's Dream Colloquium on Conversations to Action: Creating from Social Justice Research is generously funded by:
Thank you to Graduate Studies for the administrative work.
If you have any questions about the Colloquium administration, please email Graduate Studies.