EDI, Antiracist Practices and Principles

Dr. Angela Haeney | Psychology, Yale School of Medicine

Friday, October 13th, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Zoom Link: https://sfu.zoom.us/j/83112082915?pwd=Ukl0cUVUUVVSK2k1ejdoTFJqckFhQT09

Dr. Angela Haeny (https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/angela-haeny/)

The Impact of Racial Stress on Craving among Black Adults

Abstract: Extensive evidence documents the impact of stress on craving and subsequent substance use. Racial stressors such as racial discrimination are associated with increased substance use among racially and ethnically minoritized people including Black adults. Given that Black adults tend to have poorer substance use disorder treatment retention, satisfaction, and in some cases outcomes, additional research is needed to identify how treatment might be adapted to improve outcomes. Understanding the mechanisms through which racial stress impacts substance use outcomes can inform future treatment adaptations. One important mechanism is craving. This presentation will focus on the impact of racial stress on craving among Black adults.


Dr. Angela Haeny is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and leads the Racial Equity and Addiction Lab (REAL) at Yale School of Medicine. She is a licensed Clinical Psychologist with specialty in substance use disorders. Dr. Haeny is committed to eliminating racial disparities and enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, which cuts across all aspects of her work. Her research investigates effective alcohol and drug treatments among individuals underrepresented in substance use research with a focus on Black adults. Her research also involves identifying understudied risk factors for substance use and problems especially salient to Black people. Currently, Dr. Haeny’s research is considering how to target racial stress and trauma and other relevant constructs in drug and alcohol treatment to improve treatment outcomes, retention, and satisfaction among Black adults. This work is funded by a 5-year career development award from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.