Research, Student

PhD student develops DTES ethical research report

May 21, 2019

Notable Community Members from the Downtown Eastside (DTES), including many Research Participants, as well as Psychology PhD Student, Scott Neufeld, have collaborated to create a community impacting report on guidelines for more ethical and respectful research in the DTES that has been highlighted in Simon Fraser University news recently.

The report is already stimulating positive changes around relationships and ethics between researchers and participants. Two contributors to the report, Samona Marsh and Jule Chapman, in the original interview by SFU's Cindy Li,  both expressed feeling the report has created positive acceptance in the DTES community. Samona shared "What's been surprising to me is how quickly the Manifesto has blossomed in the community."  Jules confirmed this sentiment mentioning "it's been amazing how quickly people have picked up on the manifesto in the community, giving endorsements and supporting it."

Read this impactful report and the recent SFU news article by Cindy Li now entitled Report addressing research ethics seeks to improve researcher-participant relationships in DTES

The article by Cindy Li can also be found in news from the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences.