

We are a group of SFU students who want to transform Surrey City Centre into a vibrant and lively place to be using art and place-making activities. In our vision, spaces (sidewalks, parking lots, unused green spaces) will become places of interest and community gathering. The impersonal will become personal as residents engage and connect with the area around them. We plan to "transform" a location bi-weekly, preferably in a new location each time, within Surrey City Centre. Our overall goals are to (1) beautify public space, (2) have lively activities in our public spaces, and (3) create opportunities for the public to directly contribute to the spaces they pass by. Vivrancity wishes to foster collaboration between these goals, the planning team, and during activities e.g. involving other community groups in events themselves. Examples of place-making and art activities include: (1) mobile greenery installations, creative lighting/decoration fixtures, temporary paint/chalk designs, and (2) games or active "classes" available to the public e.g. yoga, miniature hockey, chess, etc. Vivrancity will also host interactive "add your piece" installations (3) where the public can directly contribute their opinions or art to a space with post-notes, poetry, paintings, or re-decorating objects placed in an area.