Amrit Sanghera (BA, Community Capacity Building Certificate, SFU), Coin Sluzalek (Visual Arts, Emily Carr University), Malivia Khondaker (Community Capacity Building Certificate, SFU), Sue Shon (Emily Carr University)

Read For Our Lives

Team members: Amrit Sanghera (BA, Community Capacity Building Certificate, SFU), Coin Sluzalek (Visual Arts, Emily Carr University), Malivia Khondaker (Community Capacity Building Certificate, SFU), Sue Shon (Emily Carr University)

Read For Our Lives is a community study group project on the topic of global solidarity and border abolition. This group will engage twenty community members ranging from artists, writers, scholars, activists, organizers, and experts from lived experience in an exercise of community-based critical reading. We aim to reduce barriers to accessing challenging texts by providing resources and time to engage playfully with our confusions, connections, curiosity. The group will meet for ten sessions bi-weekly for in-person discussion, artmaking, and to share a meal. Our hope is to bring together those with different yet connected struggles to look carefully at the spaces between us. By doing this, we imagine that our movements towards collective transformation can be stronger at a deeper level. By cultivating a culture of engaged and social reading, we hope to deepen our communities' intellectual and spiritual resources to engage in interwoven struggle towards kinder and more loving worlds.

As well as engaging in facilitated discussion about the book we are reading, we will also create visual artwork and writing together. The art we make will culminate in a zine, a DIY publication, which participants will be invited to share with their communities and beyond. Our ten sessions together will end with a zine launch party and art exhibition, celebrating our time together with food, art, and readings, open to the greater community.

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