SCA | Quick News | January 15, 2021

MacCaull's 003_playback

SCA alumni Caroline MacCaull will be presenting 003_playback (with a few SCA folks behind the scenes) on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, at 6:00 PM (PST), as part of The Dance Centre's digital dance series of online events. More HERE.

Digital Flip with Neumann, Calderon, Janzen, & Padgett

Join in a conversation with SCA alumni Emily Neumann, Davey Samuel Calderon, and Taylor Janzen and Chase Padgett on Jan 30, 2021, at 2:00 PM (PST), about the technical, design, and production challenges of pivoting to online, presented by the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance (GVPTA). More HERE.

The Biting School interview Daniel

The Biting School, the dance company of brothers Aryo Khakpour, who's a SCA alumni, and Arash Khakpour, have released episode 10 of their podcast, which is a deep conversation with the SCA's Henry Daniel. Listen to it HERE.

SCA at PushOFF 2021

Theatre Replacement (co-directed by SCA alumni James Long and Maiko Yamamoto) are teaming up with Company 605 from Feb 2-6, 2021, for PushOFF 2021: Speculative Futures, "an online program revolving around digital presentations of works by Vancouver/Canadian artists wishing to make connections with presenters, artists, markets and audiences locally and internationally." Presented online, PushOFF 2021 features SCA alumni Conor Wylie and Mahaila Patterson-O’Brien (who are also COLLIDER Artists-in-Residence with TR), Erika Mitsuhashi, and Lucien Durey. More HERE.

Carter's Residuals (住み・墨)

Check out this new "trailer" by SCA alumni Shion Skye Carter of her new solo work Residuals (住み・墨) (with music and filmed by SCA alumni Stefan Nazarevich), which will be part of Dance Victoria's Dance Days Festival, showing on Friday January 15, 2021. Watch it HERE.

Hou on Malaspina's windows

SCA alumni Julian Yi-Jong Hou is presenting staying in the feeling on the 1265 Howe Street windows of Malaspina Printmakers, and also at their 1555 Duranleau Street location on Granville Island (open daily from 12pm to 5pm), until February 1, 2021, guest curated by Jenn Jackson. More HERE.

Nazarevich's scores whip

Here's a trailer for whip by FakeKnot / Ralph Escamillan, featuring sound and music by SCA alumni Stefan Nazarevich. Watch it HERE.

Marks in the Low Carbon Methods & Media Lecture Series

The SCA's Laura U. Marks will be presenting on "Tackling the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media: The Small File Media Festival" with Radek Przedpełski, Stephan Makonin, and Alejandro Rodriguez-Silva on March 9, 2021, at 1:00 PM (EST), as part of the 2021 Low Carbon Methods & Media Lecture Series, organized by Anne Pasek at the Department of Cultural Studies and the School of the Environment at Trent University. RSVP HERE.

Press for TPE's 1+1+1+…

Some good preview press on Vancouver Presents for Turning Point Ensemble's upcoming film project 1+1+1+…, which features choreography and dance by SCA alumni Emmalena Fredriksson and a new work by the SCA's Owen Underhill, who's also the TPE's Artistic Director and conductor. Read it HERE.

Goodman & Shaw's Graveyards and Gardens

SCA alumni Vanessa Goodman (Action at a Distance) and composer Caroline Shaw (a Pulitzer-winner!) are presenting Graveyards and Gardens, co-presented by Music On Main and the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival. More HERE.  
