BFA Project 2018
March 22 - 31, 2018
Audain Gallery, 149 W. Hastings St., Vancouver
Francisco Berlanga, Sasha Cerino, Natalie Chan, Annie Chan, Danyal Imani, Ruilan King, Abbie Lee, Victoria Mulja, Tyler Pengelly, Jill Shao, Audrey Shiu, Rachelle Tjahyana, Dwayne Tonta, Cassandra Yu, and Julie Zhang.
SFU's School for the Contemporary Arts' (SCA) third-year Visual Art students present an exhibition that unpacks various notions of border - border as wall, border as place, border in translation – and proposes some theoretical and aesthetic reflections on its reverberations.
In development of this exhibition, SFU SCA third-year visual art students worked with Winter 2018 Audain Visual Artist in Residence Oana Avasilichioaei in a research and making laboratory that considered the linguistic, aesthetic, social, and political nature and structure of borders within current global conditions. In the laboratory, students critically engaged with questions including, How do we enact borders? How do we translate them? What are the ethical implications of this translation? and Is a language a border? By exploring various translations/transpositions between text and performance, image and sound, text and image, the organic and the technological, materiality and musicality, etc., students produced new work that investigates the border as a potential in-between, porous space; disputed, yet also productive.
Avasilichioaei's practice is concerned with textuality, polylingual poetics, the social and political forces/voices of the polis, and the intermediary spaces between word, sound and image, exploring the transgressions of these terrains through poetry, translation, performance, and sound work. Her poetry collections include feria: a poempark (2008), We, Beasts (2012) and Limbinal (2015). Increasingly interstitial, her work has also gone outside the bounds of the book, encompassing various formats such as multimedia performance, sound work, photography, graphic score, and installation; recent multimedia performances include THRESHOLDS (2015) and MOUTHNOTES (2016). Also a translator of prose and poetry from French and Romanian, her most recent translation is Bertrand Laverdure's Readopolis (2017). Based in Montreal, she frequently crosses borders.
Opening Reception
Wednesday, March 21, 7 - 9pm
Audain Gallery
Student-led Critical Analysis
Thursday, March 22, 9:30am - 12:20pm and 1:30 - 4:30pm
Audain Gallery
Exhibition Tour
Tuesday, March 27, 11:30am
Audain Gallery

BFA Project 2018: Between-Spaces. Installation view, Audain Gallery, 2018. Photo: Tyler Pengelly.