SCA | Quick News | November 12, 2021

Khosravi wins Audain Travel Award

Congratulations to SCA MFA student Homa Khosravi, who is one of the recipients of the 2021 Audain Travel Award, which "provides $7,500 to young artists enrolled in a full-time fine arts program at the undergraduate or graduate level, to encourage travel to view art." Follow Khosravi on Instagram.

Tong wins Choi Foundation Prize for Contemporary Art

SCA alumni and current Sessional Instructor Yi Xin Tong was one of the winners of the 1st edition of the Choi Foundation Prize for Contemporary Art, which was announced at the Residence de France in Beijing, on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Congratulations, Yi Xin! More HERE.

Tacata and For You's The Welcoming I-III

Watch a promo video from the SCA's Ryan Tacata and his For You collaborators Erika Chong Shuch and Rowena Richie about their project, The Welcoming I-III, which takes place December 12, 2021, at 7:00 PM (tickets & Info HERE). Watch it HERE.

PPE Waves: A New Normal? – excerpted

Watch the video archive of a performance of an excerpt from PPE Waves: A New Normal?, choreographed by the SCA's Henry Daniel and performed by Diane Sowter and Zaarah Ibarra Lopez, with music by SCA MFA student Charlie Cooper and set design by Alan Storey, presented as part of A New Normal: Digital Media Arts Symposium at the Surrey Art Gallery on November 6, 2021. Watch it HERE.

Marks at the Fifth Deleuze and Guattari Studies in India Conference

Join the SCA's Laura Marks bright and early online for her presentation as part of the Deleuze and Guattari Studies in India Collective's "Life Infinite: Immanence, Inflection, Indeterminacy," the Fifth Deleuze and Guattari Studies in India Conference, running November 11-14, 2021 . Marks will be presenting with Streaming Carbon Footprint collaborator Radek Przedpełski as part of Plenary Session XII on Day IV of the conference. More HERE.

Marks in The Guardian

The Guardian published a letter by the SCA's Laura Marks on "Carbon cost of watching Netflix." Read it HERE.

New Societies Online

Featuring a top-shelf cavalcade of SCA alumni, Re:Current Theatre's New Societies is back as New Societies Online, running December 10 - 11, 2021, and January 7 - 8, 2022, presented by Rumble Theatre. More HERE.

Basanta's Futurs possibles

SCA alumni Adam Basanta has an upcoming exhibition, Futurs possibles, at Maison des arts de Laval from November 21, 2021, – February 6, 2022. More HERE.

Chambers in Throwing Gestures

Current SCA Sessional Instructor Justine A. Chambers is one of the contributors to VFMK Books' Throwing Gestures. More HERE.

Turning Point Ensemble's Vancouver Magic

The Turning Point Ensemble, which has the SCA's Owen Underhill as its Artistic Director and conductor, is hosting Vancouver Magic, its "first in-person concert since the pandemic," on November 21, 2021, at 7:30 PM in the Orpheum Annex. More HERE.

O'Callaghan's New Work, Collapsing, New Work

Watch SCA alumni James O'Callaghan's New Work, Collapsing, New Work, presented by Groupe Le Vivier, EUNIC, Innovations en concert (IEC), and Ensemble Novarumori. Watch it HERE.

Valentine-Lewis on Willard

Read SCA alumni Andrea Valentine-Lewis in Peripheral Review on Tania Willard’s Affirmations for Wildflowers: An Ethnobotany of Desire, which ran September 14 – November 13, 2020, on the windows of SFU Galleries' Audain Gallery. Read it HERE.

Khakpour’s Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet

SCA alumni and current SCA Sessional Instructor Aryo Khakpour’s film Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet – an “imaginary meeting between Tom Waits and Jesus Christ” – is screening as part of the 2021 VASTLAB Experimental film festival. More HERE. And watch the trailer HERE.

Theatre Replacement and Kwan's Speaker A

Theatre Replacement (an "ongoing collaboration" between SCA alumni James Long and Maiko Yamamoto) launched Speaker A, a public sound artwork in collaboration with Vanessa Kwan, featuring texts by Lorna Brown, Tim Carlson, SCA Sessional Instructor Justine A. Chambers, Amber Dawn, SCA alumni and Sessional Instructor Aryo Khakpour, Amiel Gladstone, Hiromi Goto, Whess Harman, Vanessa Kwan, SCA alumni James Long, Lili Robinson, Faith Sparrow-Crawford, Cease Wyss, and SCA alumni Maiko Yamamoto. Check it out between 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM at 180 East 2nd Ave (at Main and Second). More HERE.

Muranko on the blog

SCA alumni Starr Muranko and guest co-curator Michelle Olson and international co-curator Angela Conquet talk about their work for The Dance Centre's Dance In Vancouver 2021, which features man SCA alumni, on The Dance Centre's blog. Read it HERE.

Sapphire Haze profiled

Read a profile of Sapphire Haze, the duo of SCA alumni Aysha Dulong and Cindy Kao, who performed as part of Music on Main's 10th Modulus Festival. Read it HERE.

Hekademia nominated

SCA alumni Gloria Mercer is up for Best Script for her film Hekademia, and Emma Soothill, the film's lead, is up for her Best Actress at the Chilliwack Independent Film Festival. Congrats – and good luck! Watch a teaser for the film HERE.

Escolán at rice & beans

SCA alumni María Escolán is the new Associate Artistic Producer for rice & beans theatre! Congratulations, María!

Hall in the Holophon Listening Station

SCA alumni Lief Hall will be presenting her work Voices at the Holophon Listening Station at the Dunlop Art Gallery's Mediatheque, from September 13 - December 6, 2021. More HERE.

Koochakzadeh-Yazdi on Noise a Noise

If you're a Farsi (and English!) speaker and music enthusiast, make sure to check out SCA alumni Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi on the Noise a Noise podcast. Listen HERE.

Vines' Fuck Vancouverites – Grandview Park Edition

The Vines Art Festival, created by director and SCA alumni Heather Lamoureux in 2015, is presenting Fuck Vancouverites – Grandview Park Edition on November 13, 2021, from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (or so!) at 1657 Charles Street. More HERE

Ho on TV

Watch SCA alumni Kimberly Ho on TV talking about Vancouver Asian Film Festival, which presented their documentary To Make Ends Meat 心頭肉. Watch it HERE.

Morgan and Tang in An Undeveloped Sound

Electric Company Theatre just announced their new project, "An Undeveloped Sound" (working title), co-presented by SFU Woodward's, featuring SCA alumni Scott Morgan (Loscil) as the composer and SCA alumni Sophie Tang as the lighting designer. More HERE.

Klinke played

Remember the summer? This video of SCA alumni Alexandre Klinke playing as part of Wonderment 2021 might help. Watch it HERE.

Anderson plays with Dark Dials

Dark Dials, the synth rock band featuring Chris Anderson, the SCA's Graduate Program Assistant, has an upcoming gig. More HERE.

Durey in a double bill

SCA alumni (and excellent singer!) Lucien Durey is part of a double bill – Veda Hille with Durey, Klein & Krgovich and Tillicum Shantie – for Vancouver Independent Music Centre's (VIM) Music at the Cinemas series on Saturday, November 27, 2021, from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM (PST) at the Fox Cabaret. More HERE.

Morelli on Ashbee

Read SCA alumni Didier Morelli in The Brooklyn Rail on Daina Ashbee’s retrospective at Usine C in Montreal. Read it HERE.

Dai and Hallwas do Pecha Kucha

Watch SCA alumni Howard Dai and Logan Rhys Hallwas talk about their PresentMaking Project at the Anvil Centre at Pecha Kucha New West. Watch it HERE.

Withintensions call for Filters

Withintensions, the monthly art mag run by SCA alumni, is calling for submissions on the theme of Filters. More HERE.
