Image from SFU's Office for Aboriginal Peoples events page.

SCA | Quick News | June 3, 2022

FCAT Indigenous Peer Mentorship program

Here's one small practical thing to help mark National Indigenous History Month, organized via the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, our institutional home here at SFU: Become the SCA's Indigenous Peer Mentor. The deadline to apply is June 19, 2022. Here's the main info:

The FCAT Indigenous Peer Mentorship program aims to support new Indigenous students in their transition to SFU. The FCAT Indigenous Peer Mentors will provide a safe, fun, and welcoming introduction to university life by sharing their knowledge about university life and resources. Mentors will be matched with new students and connect with them regularly virtually and through in-person activities. Mentors will each coordinate one social event for Indigenous students. They will also participate in select recruitment activities and attend events such as Welcome Day and campus tours.

More HERE.

Happy Pride month!

Although Vancouver has its main Pride events in August, June is widely recognized as Pride month in commemoration of the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City’s Greenwich Village in late June. For more on this influential event, the Working Class History podcast did an excellent two-part series on The Stonewall riots and Pride at 50 in 2019. Listen HERE.

Priest – Thinking Non/Humanly

The SCA's Eldritch Priest will be presenting his paper "Thinking Non/Humanly" at Feeling, Form, Mind: A Conference on the Thought of Susanne K. Langer, running June 22 – 24, 2022, in Frankfurt, Germany, presented by the Susanne K. Langer Circle in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. More HERE.

Yoon reviewed

Read a review of the SCA's Jin-me Yoon's exhibition Here Elsewhere Other Hauntings at the Kamloops Art Gallery in Galleries West. Read it HERE.

Dongnier in NYC

The SCA's NiNi Dongnier participated in a "showing of research" on June 3, 2022, at New York University's 370 Jay Street location, supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. Find out more about Dongnier and her work HERE.

Small File at ISEA

Radek Przedpełski, Laura U. Marks, Azadeh Emadi, and Joey Malbon from the Small File Media Festival presented Bending the possible (one pixel at a time). Small-file ecomedia for the Anthropocene as an online panel at the 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Art. More HERE.

Morag, You're a Long Time Deid trailer + press

Watch a great behind-the-scenes video of Claire Love Wilson & Peter Lorenz's Morag, You're a Long Time Deid, featuring the SCA's Wladimiro A. Woyno Rodriguez on Set & Lighting Design. Catch the show June 10 – 19, 2022, at The Russian Hall (600 Campbell Ave, Vancouver), presented in association with Touchstone Theatre. Watch HERE. Also, Morag, You're a Long Time Deid was previewed in The Georgia Straight. Read it HERE.

The Peak on Community Making and Black Flourishing Through the Scarborough Charter

Read SFU's The Peak on the Community Making and Black Flourishing Through the Scarborough Charter symposium, which included the panel, "Negotiating for Black Flourishing within Academic Institutions," moderated by the SCA's Dr. Henry Daniel. Read it HERE.

Lee's on Selfie

Click through to rice & beans theatre's Instagram to read SCA alumni Anthony Lee's on Christine Quintana's Selfie, which Lee is directing, working with SCA alumni Jamie Sweeney (Production Manager), Hans Hsieh (Assistant Stage Manager), and Colin Willscroft (Assistant Sound Designer), and current SCA students Claudia Chan (Stage Manager), Megan Lane (Production Designer), and June Hsu (Sound Designer), for Spiderwebshow's Festival of Live Digital Art, running June 9 – 11, 2022. Read HERE.

After School podcast

We're pretty stoked about After School, a new cross-faculty podcast from the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, including episodes by and about SCA folks. More HERE.

Lin's Finding Pathways to Temahahoi

SCA alumnus Anchi Iss Ciwas is presenting a solo exhibition, mgluw tuqiy na Temahahoi / 找尋迭馬哈霍伊的路徑 / Finding Pathways to Temahahoi at Auckland, New Zealand's Artspace Aotearoa, opening June 10 and running until August 6, 2022. More HERE.

Muranko's Sharing Dance

Along with Aïcha Bastien-N’Diaye, SCA alumnus Starrwind Muranko was one of the guest choreographers for Canada's National Ballet School's 2022 Sharing Dance programing. Watch a dance compilation video of works from Sharing Dance HERE.

O'Callaghan at Kontraklang

SCA alumnus James O'Callaghan will both presenting his work Alone and unalone as well as swinging a speaker as part of Ensemble Paramirabo's performance of Gordon Monahan's Speaker Swinging in Berlin as part of Kontraklang: Montréal and beyond II/II on Sunday June 5, 2022, at 11:00 AM (PDT). More HERE.

Stimuloso is out

Today is release day for the sophomore LP, Stimuloso, from SCA alumnus Casey Wei's rock group Kamikaze Nurse, courtesy local champs Mint Records. More HERE.

Chan nominated

Congratulations to SCA alumnus Derek Chan, whose "digital experience and live theatrical installation" yellow objects, produced by rice & beans theatre and Playwrights Theatre Centre and presented by the Firehall Arts Centre, is nominated for a Jessie Richardson Theatre Award.

Atiencia nominated

Christine Quintana's Clean/Espejos, which was co-directed by SCA alumnus Daniela Atiencia and Chelsea Haberlin, is nominated for 8 Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards, including Outstanding Direction!

ReIssue at the Or

Go grab the Year 1 Anthology from ReIssue, the "interdisciplinary publication platform" edited by SCA alumnus Casey Wei, at the Or Gallery bookstore.  

Film Screening: Three Works by Annie MacDonell

Upcoming from our friends and colleagues in SFU Galleries: Film Screening: Three Works by Annie MacDonell on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 2:00 PM in the Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema here at SFU Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (149 West Hastings Street, Vancouver), presented in conjunction with her solo exhibition at the Audain Gallery, The Beyond Within, which runs until August 6, 2022 More HERE.

Kong on Senetchko + in conversation

Read SCA PhD student Yani Kong on Jay Senetchko's Living in a time of crisis in Galleries West. Read it HERE. Also, Kong will be in conversation with artists Russna Kaur, M.E. Sparks, and Andrea Taylor, curator Kate Henderson, and writer Jayne Wilkinson on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (PST) via Zoom, in support of We Can Only Hint at This With Words, which runs April 23 – June 25 at the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art. More HERE.

Porebska-Smith and MacCaull's Through Threads

SCA alumni Indigo Porebska-Smith and Caroline MacCaull are presenting their collaborative work Through Threads as part of Edmonton's The Nextfest Arts Company's WANDER showcase from June 3 – 5, 2022, curated by Good Women Dance Collective. More HERE.

New Societies on CBC Radio

Catch the SCA alumni-heavy crew from New Societies on CBC Radio's On The Coast with Gloria Macarenko. Listen HERE. Presented as part of Upintheair Theatre's 2022 rEvolver Festival, New Societies runs June 1 – 5, 2022, at Progress Lab (1422 William Street, Vancouver, BC).

Sounding The Dusk Meridian video

Watch the video archive of SCA alumnus Matthew Ariaratnam playing with crackerjack pickup group Adrian Avandaño, Ross Birdwise, Soressa Gardner, and prOphecy sun at the Vancouver Art Gallery offsite site on Thursday, April 28, 2022, "sounding" Keith Langergraber’s installation The Dusk Meridian, co-presented by Vancouver New Music. Watch it HERE.

FCAT Convocation Reception

It's that time again! Attention, SCA soon-to-be-graduates – don't forget to RSVP for the FCAT Reception, which happens right after the Convocation ceremony on Friday, June 10, 2022. RSVP HERE.

Chamale in Here Mag

Read a profile of SCA alumnus and rice & beans theatre Artistic Director Pedro Chamale in Here Magazine. Read it HERE.

Kanagawa in Nikkei Voice

SCA alumnus Hiro Kanagawa is interviewed by the Nikkei Voice about his hard-boiled turn in the Firehall Arts Centre's presentation of R.A. Shiomi's Yellow Fever, running May 28 to June 12, 2022. Read it HERE.

Vines announced

Vines Art Festival, created by SCA alumnus and festival director Heather Lamoureux in 2015, has announced its 8th edition, running August 3 – 13, 2022. More HERE.

Perkins Deneault awarded

Read a profile of Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology's Tessa Perkins Deneault, who won FCAT's 2021 Staff Achievement Award for Community Contribution. More HERE.

withintensions' Technology

The latest issue of withintensions, the monthly art mag produced by SCA alumni, is out now. This month's theme: Technology! Download it HERE.

Redvers's moccasins recap

The Vancouver Sun talks to SCA alumnus Kelvin Redvers about his Cannes red carpet incident. Read it HERE.

Alfeld directs Foster

SCA alumnus Teresa Alfeld directed a short film about 2022 Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards laureate David Foster. More HERE.

Klinke's Live workshop

SCA alumnus Alexandre Klinke is running another Ableton Live workshop on June 21, 2022, at 7:00 PM. More HERE.

Sum's Different Than Before gets picked

The Mayumi Yoshida directed video for SCA alumnus Amanda Sum's Different Than Before is a Vimeo Staff Pick. Watch it HERE.

Horrigan's Top Paper

SCA PhD Student Matt Horrigan won the Top Paper Award at the 2022 Canadian Game Studies Association Conference. Watch a video version of his paper, DOJRP: A Study in Authoritarian Ethic, HERE.

Peters in Listen, Listen

SCA alumnus Deanna Peters is performing as part of Vancouver Improvised Arts Society’s one day multidisciplinary Listen, Listen Festival, which runs today, June 3, 2022, from 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre. More HERE.